9-year-old girl, with no underlying health conditions, is Florida’s youngest to die of coronavirus

Nine-year-old Kimora 'Kimmie' Lynum, from Putnam County, Florida, died of coronavirus complications on July 17, despite having no known pre-existing health conditions.

Nine-year-old Kimora ‘Kimmie’ Lynum, from Putnam County, Florida, died of coronavirus complications on July 17, despite having no known pre-existing health conditions.

A nine-year-old girl has been named the youngest person to die of coronavirus in Florida, as her family says they have no idea where she contracted the virus.

Nine-year-old Kimora ‘Kimmie’ Lynum, from Putnam County, Florida, died of coronavirus complications on July 17, despite having no known pre-existing health conditions.

Lynum, who is the fifth child to die from a coronavirus in Florida, was taken to the hospital due to a high fever, her cousin Dejeon Cain said, according to CNN.

Cain said that Lynum, the only daughter, was sent home from the hospital and that she collapsed soon after.

It is unclear how or when Lynum was exposed to the coronavirus, as her family said she appeared to be healthy, that she did not go to school or camp, and that she spent the summer at home.

Putnam County health workers confirmed Lynum’s death on Thursday and indicated that his capture of the coronavirus was unrelated to travel, WCJB reported.

Health department officials also said that Lynum had not been in close contact with anyone who had coronavirus.

Her mother was tested for the virus, but as of Saturday, she is still waiting for the results.

Cain called Lynum “phenomenal” and said that “he was always happy and made everyone happy.”

He said the girl’s death was “like a double whammy to the family,” since he said her father had been killed in June.

It is unclear how or when Lynum contracted coronavirus since he was not in school and did not go to camp and had stayed home during the summer, his family said.

The girl's death is said to have been

It is unclear how or when Lynum contracted coronavirus since he was not in school and did not go to camp and had stayed home during the summer, his family said.

Health records indicated that Lynum had not been in close contact with anyone with coronavirus

Health records indicated that Lynum had not been in close contact with anyone with coronavirus

A Lynum memorial vigil was held in Gainesville, Florida on Thursday, a week after his death.

A Lynum memorial vigil was held in Gainesville, Florida on Thursday, a week after his death.

‘It was very difficult, we buried it and now we are burying it. The family is concerned, ” Cain told My CBS 4.

A vigil for Lynum was held Thursday in Gainesville, Florida, during which more than 100 people, wearing masks, gathered to launch balloons in his honor.

Cain said Lynum “didn’t have a chance to live her life, but she was always happy, resilient, and an outgoing young woman.”

Lynum’s family is asking that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reconsider opening schools too soon, as the state is becoming increasingly devastated by the coronavirus.

More than 100 people gathered at the vigil, all wearing masks, where they then released balloons in his memory.  The family said the girl was

More than 100 people gathered at the vigil, all wearing masks, where they then released balloons in his memory. The family said the girl was “happy” and called her a “beautiful soul”.

Lynum's cousin Dejeon Cain (pictured) urged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis not to reopen schools too soon.  Lynum School District intends to reopen schools on August 24

Lynum’s cousin Dejeon Cain (pictured) urged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis not to reopen schools too soon. Lynum School District intends to reopen schools on August 24

As of Saturday, Florida now has more confirmed cases of coronavirus, 414,511 in total, than New York State’s former pandemic epicenter. Florida is now in second place for most virus cases, behind California, according to CNBC.

Health officials said the number of coronavirus hospitalizations has increased by 79 percent since July 4.

‘The governor must be honest with the people. By not being honest, it puts everyone at risk, and we cannot use our children as pawns and take them out to die, ” Cain said.

“Kimmie was a beautiful soul who couldn’t live her life and if we don’t control this we will have more of this in the state,” added Cain.

Putnam County School District Superintendent Richard Surrency told My CBS 4 that they still plan to reopen schools on August 24.

Surrency said mental health staff is “on call” for Lynum’s teachers and classmates. She also said the school district has hired and trained more cleaning staff in an effort to ensure that schools are safe for students to return.

The other four children who died of coronavirus lived in other parts of the state.

The previous children who died of coronavirus in Florida are an 11-year-old boy in Miami-Dade County; an 11-year-old girl in Broward County; a 16-year-old girl in Lee County and a 17-year-old boy in Pasco County.

As of July 17, 23,170 reported minors tested positive for coronaviruses in Florida.

Lynum’s family started a GoFundMe, seeking to raise $ 10,000 to help cover their funeral expenses.

‘We are raising funds to help the family of sweet little Kimora rest beautifully; so it can be remembered as the sweet soul in the next life as it was in this one, ” the family wrote.
