5 episodes of South Park are missing on HBO Max

The 23 seasons of the iconic animated television show South Park are now available to stream on HBO Max, but there are five episodes in particular that are not on the streaming platform due to their controversial nature. Here we explain why and which you will not find in the streaming service.

Episodes “Super Best Friends”, “Cartoon Wars” Parts 1 and 2, and “200” and “201” were not released on HBO Max due to their portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

These are the same five episodes that were removed from Hulu when the show aired there. The episodes were also cut from the rotation on television broadcasts.

Doug Herzog, the former head of the South Park Comedy Central network, told The Hollywood Reporter in 2016 that these episodes were removed due to concerns about the safety of the production team.

HBO Max bought the 23 seasons of South Park for $ 500 million. The show remains popular and on the air, with new seasons running until the end of 2022.

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