370K Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballet Application Rejected: Report

Pennsylvania has rejected hundreds of thousands of applications for the mail-in ballot before the 2020 election due to confusion over the process.

As many as 372,000 requests were denied, mostly because many of them, about 90%, were duplicates, according to a report by PropBlica on Friday. Overall, according to the publication, one out of every five requests for a mail-in ballot is being denied.

The main reason? Many who voted during the June primary may have already checked the ballot to request a mail-in ballot for the November election.

However, as noted by PropPublica, people who make more than one request must eventually get their vote. They can also vote on election day.

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More than 2.5 million Pennsylvanians have requested a mail-in ballot in this election.

The state expects a record volume of ballots to be sent by mail and as it stands, counties cannot begin the cumbersome process needed to count these votes until election day.

Discussions are underway to allow pre-canvassing to begin in the days leading up to the state legislature elections, although no agreement has been reached.

Concerns that Pennsylvania is taking too long to calculate its final vote are more likely to be misunderstood about the safety of the process.

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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court added to the confusion when it ruled that ballots are rejected if they are not sent in an “confidentiality” envelope, adding an extra step to the vote count.

The court will also decide whether the ballot is canceled if the signature is clearly different from the one stored in the voter registration database.

Meanwhile, another battle is raging in the court system over the deadline for mail-in ballot counting. As such, the Supreme Court has allowed the counting of ballots postmarked by election day and received by November 6.