24 possible ‘superhubble’ planets discovered near Earth

Earth may be the only planet we know of that supports life, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best for it.

A new study published in the scientific journal Astrobiology has identified 24 potential “superhubble” planets in which conditions may be more favorable for host life. They may be slightly older than the Earth (billion. Billion billion years old), “a little bigger, a little warmer and possibly wet.” Researchers have discovered that they can orbit stars that have a longer lifespan than the Sun.

“With the next space telescope, we’ll get more information, so it’s important to choose some targets,” said Dirk Schulz-Makuch, a scientist at Washington State University, in a statement obtained by Fox News. “We have to focus on some of the planets that have the most promising conditions of complex life. However, we have to be careful not to get stuck in the search for another Earth because there may be planets that may be more suitable for life than us.”

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The main criteria that the researchers used to determine the exoplanet are as follows:

  • Living in the habitable zone – defined as the area around a star where a planet can support liquid water.
  • Cold G stars (Sun is G star) or Dwarf stars.
  • 10% higher than Earth.
  • The surface temperature can be about 5 degrees Celsius higher than Earth.

The researchers added that the 24X op planet is more than 100 light-years from Earth, but could be identified by future space telescopes such as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the researchers added. The light-year, which measures the distance of space, is about 6 trillion miles.

In July, Fox News reported that the James Weard Telescope’s Lockard, originally scheduled for March 2021, was pushed back to Oct. 31, 2021 due to a coronavirus epidemic.

Of the 24 exoplanets, none of them meet all the criteria of being “superhighble”, but one of them has four characteristics, indicating that it may actually be more suitable for life than Earth.

Schulz-Makuch, a researcher at the Technical University of Berlin, added, “It is sometimes difficult to convey this theory of superlatable planets because we think we have the best planet.” “We have a lot of complex and diverse lifeforms, and a lot of people who can survive in extreme environments. It’s good to have an adaptive life, but that doesn’t mean we have the best of everything.”

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In all, more than 50,000 exoplanets have been found by NASA, of which about 30 were thought to be habitable by September 2018. They have the right size of their star and the right orbit to support surface water, and at least theoretically, the base life.

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