Monthly Archives: October 2020

Oil spikes after OPEC claims: “Worst for oil market”

By ZeroHedge – Oct Oct 08, 2020, 5:00 pm CDT Crude prices rose on Thursday, while OPEC said on Thursday that oil was “the worst” for the market. The next month’s crude contract rose 3.08% to 15.09 ET.241.22 following optimistic comments. Secretary-General Mohamed Barkindo said OPEC would continue to manage …

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The new test found the coronavirus in just 5 minutes Science

The new CRISPR-based diagnostic coronavirus can shorten the waiting time for tests. INA Facebender by Getty Images / AFP By Robert F. Service8 20 October, 2020, 3:45 p.m. Science‘O COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center and the Heizing-Simmons Foundation. Researchers have used the CRISPR gene-acquisition technique to come …

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