Monthly Archives: October 2020

San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 10-15-2020 | News

Today’s COVID-19 update from the County Health and Human Services Agency with data as of October 14th. State metrics: Under the state monitoring metrics, San Diego County lives in Tier 2, also known as Red Tire. San Diego’s state-calculated, adjusted case rate is 6.8 per 100,000 residents, up from 6.5 …

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Tesla Again Cutting Price Model S, says Kasturi

Only in other days Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) It is reducing the price of its Model Dell S sedan. That’s according to the company’s color CEO, Elon Musk, who announced this in a tweet on Wednesday afternoon, reading in full: The gauntlet has been thrown down! The prophecy will be fulfilled. …

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