2020 National Hot Dog Day Deals

Exploring complex recipes in the kitchen is fun and all, but there’s something about a simple hot dog that always hits the spot. You can keep it basic with ketchup and mustard or feast on countless ingredients like condiment, chili, and macaroni and cheese, yes, really. In honor of the classic dish, these chains offer incredibly cheap hot dog deals for National Hot Dog Day on Wednesday, July 22.

If you want to try something new at home, we suggest any of our more than 45 best hot dog recipes. It’s a yes from me, dawg.

7 Eleven

7-Eleven celebrates National Hot Dog Day with $ 1 Big Bites hot dogs on July 22. The promotion is available only through the 7Rewards app, so be sure to download it before the big day.

Dog Haus

haus dog hot day day

Dog Haus

In honor of National Hot Dog Day, Dog Haus guests can get a free Haus Dog in-store with the app scan, or when they request pickup or delivery via the Dog Haus app from July 22 to July 31st. This offer is only available to those who have the app downloaded before 11:59 pm PT on July 22, so be sure to free up some space on your phone beforehand. All registered users of the app will automatically see the FREE HAUS DOG reward in the Dog Haus app starting on Wednesday, July 22. You can download and register in the app now at app.doghaus.com.

Philly Pretzel Factory

philly pretzel factory hot dog day

Philly Pretzel Factory

This year, all Philly Pretzel Factory locations will deliver $ 1 pretzel dogs to customers throughout the day on Wednesday, July 22. You can find your nearest Philly Pretzel factory and their hours here: https://phillypretzelfactory.com/store-locator/.


Although fans won’t be able to enjoy the baseball season in person this year, Heinz wants to give you the next best option: Ketchup Kits for Stadiums, because every hot dog is better with condiments. You can visit HeinzStadiumKetchup.com to enter and win a Stadium Ketchup Kit. Each kit comes with a stadium-style ketchup dispenser (containing nearly a gallon of ketchup), a coupon for a free pack of Oscar Mayer hot dogs, hot dog trays, a Heinz-branded foam finger, and napkins for your inevitable disaster.


On July 22, get five chili dogs for $ 5. You can also choose between a standard bun or pretzel.

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