160 Walmart parking lots to become summer cinemas

Walmart is partnering with a media company backed by Robert De Niro to convert 160 of its parking lots to movie theaters this summer.

The deadline reported that Tribeca Enterprises will join the retailer in the company. Tribeca will schedule the films that will be screened from August to October for 320 family presentations.

“This family night will include hit movies, special appearances by filmmakers and celebrities, and concessions delivered directly to customers’ vehicles,” the retailer said in a press release.

CNN reported that the movies, locations and times have not yet been announced. That information will come through the Walmart Drive-in website.

Before the movies start, customers can get picnic items through Walmart’s curbside pick-up service.

Walmart is also a presenting partner of Tribeca Drive-In film series, which has been part of the film festival since it began in 2002. That series will be in Arlington, Texas; Pasadena, California; Nassau County, New York; and Orchard Beach in the Bronx, where families will watch movies like “Wonder Woman” and “Space Jam,” according to the press release. There will be free tickets and events for people who work on the front line amid the coronavirus.

More information about Tribeca Drive-In is at tribecafilm.com.

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