It seems like yesterday that the hit series Euphoria Starring Zendaya premiered on HBO. The show, which premiered in June 2019, seemed to surprise the entertainment industry. The dark drama follows Rue, a 17-year-old drug addict with no intention of staying sober, and her journey through adolescence. Today, July 27, 2020, the show received 6 Emmy nominations and fans couldn’t be more excited.
Led by Zendaya, Euphoria It also explores important issues facing today’s youth, such as sexuality, gender identity, family dynamics, bullying, etc. It is a show that has been championed for painting a precise description of what it is like for Generation Z to emerge today. I like it Fur, Degrassi, and other teen dramas before that, Euphoria has faced a backlash for being too “intense” or “graphic”. But that has hardly stopped fans from expressing their support.
‘Euphoria’ earns six Emmy nominations
In fact, supporting Euphoria It’s been so good that the show was renewed for a second season before the first season finished airing. Meanwhile, fans have defended Zendaya and the rest of the cast for their outstanding performances. When the 2019 Emmy nominations were released, many fans were furious that the show didn’t get any nominations. In fact, many viewers felt that the HBO series had been stolen.
RELATED: Jacob Elordi on How He Spends His Days Since ‘Euphoria’ Is Paused
But, there is a good reason why Euphoria It was not nominated in 2019 and it has everything to do with time. Euphoria The series’ release date simply missed the limit for Emmy nominations. The 2020 Emmy is the first time that Euphoria He was actually eligible for the nomination. And it appears the show is getting what it deserves with six Emmy nominations, including one for Zendaya as lead actress in a drama series.
Zendaya Receives Her First Emmy Nomination As Lead Actress In A Drama Series
Although Zendaya gave a stellar performance in Euphoria, his Emmy nomination remains a surprise. Zendaya is the youngest in her category and Euphoria It is largely considered his first adult role. Still, no one can deny that she deserves the nomination. Fans on Twitter and Instagram are delighted with the Malcolm and Marie star and congratulate her on the achievement.
“Let’s be honest, the ‘OPEN THE DOOR OF GOD DA * N!’ The scene was a definitive master class in acting. Zendaya deserves it all, “shared a fan on Euphoria Instagram page “THIS SHOW DESERVES EVERYTHING. I AM BLESSED TO EXIST WHILE EUPHORIA EXISTS, ”another exuberant fan chimed in. Of course, Zendaya herself reacted to the news with her ever-present grace, charm, and humility. She also thanked her fans, as well as her cast and teammate.
Zendaya reacts to her Emmy nomination
“I am truly speechless,” Zendaya wrote in a caption on Instagram. “My heart overflows with love and gratitude. I am incredibly honored to work alongside the talented people I call family. I am a small piece of a great beautiful puzzle and I am very proud of all of you. Thank you to all who have seen and given our show life, thank you @ samlev00 @hbo @ a24 for everything and @televisionacad for this beautiful recognition, thank you, thank you, thank you. Here we are Emmy nominees! The 23-year-old wrote.
Fans are excited for the second season of ‘Euphoria’
We are sure of Zendaya fans and Euphoria you’ll tune in to see if you can win the coveted prize. We can’t wait to see what Zendaya and the rest of the Euphoria cast have in store for us when it’s safe for them to start filming season 2.