Your horoscope for the week of July 5, weekly horoscope

Summary: Waiting to breathe out? Almost! The week begins with a windy moon in Aquarius that helps us find emotional objectivity after an emotionally charged eclipse season. And then Mercury Retrograde in Cancer ends on Sunday, allowing us to think clearly and avoid miscommunication!

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Where’s your crew, Aries? Aquarius Moon starts the week in a social, friendly and joyous mood, and you’ll want to physically meet your travels or die (digitally or from a safe distance). Mercury Retrograde in Cancer ends on Sunday, which helps calm the high tide of your emotions and gives you an idea of ​​how you feel and how to talk about it.


What vacation, Taurus? The productive Aquarius Moon begins the week with his efficiency, ambition and off-the-list responsibility after a festive weekend. You better work! Mercury Retrograde in Cancer ends on Sunday giving less emotional charge to your communication, helping you to be more calm, understanding and correct listening skills.


You can still “travel”, Gemini! This week’s imaginative Moon Aquarium helps your curiosity take you to new intellectual spaces and increase your creativity. Retrograde Cancer Cancer ends up in your income sector, motivating you to let your money work for you. than the other way around.


What is the truth, cancer? The authentic Aquarius Moon begins the week with you looking for what is meaningful, real and honest, so you can have the clarity you deserve. Retrograde Mercury ends up on your sign on Sunday, eliminating headaches and restoring focus, energy, and communication skills, just in time for your birthday festivities!


Night date on Monday, Leo? The Aquarius Moon starts a romantic and playful week. Find friendly ways for a pandemic to connect and cultivate joy between you and your partners. Mercury retrograde in cancer ends on Sunday, helping you to have difficult conversations with the people you need to leave so you can be free.


Don’t forget the details, Virgo! Aquarius Moon opens the week with you with a focus on health, routine and time management so you can organize your life beautifully. Mercury Retrograde in Cancer ends on Sunday, inspiring you to have clear conversations with old friends whom you have missed or would like to get close to.


You are irresistible, Libra! Aquarius Moon starts the week with you feeling confident, and there is nothing sexier than trust. Mercury retrograde in cancer ends up in his career sector on Sunday, helping to reduce confusion so he can decide whether to wait there, jump ship, or start his own business.


Vulnerability is your strength, Scorpio! The Aquarius Moon keeps your heart open so you can name, share, and experience your feelings for a more meaningful life. Retrograde Mercury in Cancer ends up in your overview sector, helping you peel off and see the whole picture. Be adaptable, curious, and optimistic.


Use your words, Sag! Aquarius Moon opens the week with you feeling warmer and more curious. If you think, feel, or experience something, say so! Do not stop. Retrograde Mercury in his cancer-governed intimacy zone ends on Sunday, helping him eliminate any problems that keep him from accessing his most authentic self.


Treat yourself, Cap! The Aquarius Moon wants you to pamper yourself with what you need to feel restored, incarnated and happy. Retrograde Mercury ends up in your romantic sector ruled by cancer, making love seem less like a battlefield. Plus, it motivates you to negotiate, go out, name your wishes, and listen to others!


Get up and shine, Aquarius! The week begins with the moon in your sign. This light fixture helps you show the world what makes you special: your intelligence, loyalty, sense of humor and creativity. Mercury retrograde in cancer ends up in your wellness and routine zone on Sunday, helping you commit to healthy habits.


It’s okay not to be okay, Pisces. Aquarius Moon starts the week with complicated emotions, and you may need to avoid people and just process what you feel. Retrograde Mercury in your cancer-governed zone of trust ends on Sunday, helping you regain your creativity, power, dignity, and self-esteem to do amazing things.

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