Your Horoscope for the Week of August 16, Weekly Horoscope

Overview: The world often asks, “What should you do?” But the stars ask, “Who should you be?” Tuesday’s New Moon in Leo wants you to choose to be the safest, most powerful, and open-hearted version of yourself that you’ve ever been. On Wednesday, messenger planet Mercury arrives in Virgo, where it will remain until September 5th. Then Virgo season begins on Saturday!

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Glory on, Aries! Tuesday’s New Moon in Leo wants you to choose confidence, courage and bravery where you could use more power. Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday, followed by Virgo season on Saturday, and helps you gain more clarity about your goals for health and wellness. Pay close attention to your routine, ritual and time management for great results.


Home is where you stand, Taurus. A new month in Leo on Tuesday wants to have your intentions about the feelings, people, places and details that will help you feel at home. Mercury arrives in Virgo on Wednesday, helping you to rekindle your creativity and confidence. Virgo season starts on Saturday and helps you do something with your improved self-control!


Speak up, Gemini! Tuesday’s New Moon in Leo wants you to rise to the highest of communication opportunities. Use your words vigorously! Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday and helps you connect your heart-centered intelligence, followed by Virgo season on Saturday, giving you a month of family reunions, homecomings, and ancestral healing


What does safety mean to you, cancer? The New Moon in Leo on Tuesday wants your personal and financial intentions. Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday, helping you to choose the right words at the right time and to listen more accurately. Virgo season starts on Saturday, helping you improve the quality of your communication skills and your mental health.


Make a wish, Leo! New Moon Tuesday is your annual moment to write down all your desires so that the Universe can come to manifestation. Mercury enters your Virgo regulated income zone on Wednesday, and helps you responsibly save and spend. Virgo season starts on Saturday, motivates you to clarify your values ​​and make sure you live them.


Closing is a gift you give yourself, Virgo! .A New Moon on Tuesday in your Leo-ruled completion zone wants you to identify everything you need to let go, then Mercury will sign you in on Wednesday and help you take action. Virgo season begins on Saturday! May you be surrounded by love and may all your birthday dreams come true.


Your community is everything, Libra. A New Moon in Leo on Tuesday wants you to have intentions about friendship, community, and activism. Mercury arrives in your Virgo-ruled spirituality zone on Wednesday, so grab a dream journal. The start of Saturday to Virgo season will help you free yourself from everything that holds you back from your highest and brightest self.


You’re the boss, Scorpio! A New Moon in your Leo-ruled career zone on Tuesday will manifest your professional intentions, so be specific and fearful. Mercury arrives in your Virgo-ruled friendship zone on Wednesday, helping you to socialize instead of overworking yourself. Saturday shot this goal as Virgo season begins, so be sure to reunite with your ride-of-dies.


What is your vision, Sag? The New Moon in Leo on Tuesday wants your biggest ideas to change your life. Mercury enters your Virgo-ruled career zone on Wednesday, giving you the shine to realize your professional dreams. The start of the virgo season on Saturday illuminates your willpower and energy to make it happen!


If you want the good stuff, embrace the suck, Cap. Tuesday’s New Moon in Leo wants you to accept the joy, the pain, and everything in between so you can transform it. Mercury arrives in Virgo on Wednesday, giving you optimizations and hope for improving your quality of life. The start of the virgo season on Saturday means you can sign up for an online program or travel safely!


You do not have to give up independence for connection, Aquarius. The New Moon in Leo wants you to have intentions about romance and partnership. On Wednesday, Mercury enters your Virgo-ruled intimacy zone, helping you go even deeper. Then, the start of Virgo season on Saturday gives you experiences so you can explore eroticism, transformation and sexuality.

The fish

Self-care please, Pisces! The New Moon on Tuesday in Leo wants you to have intentions about health, wellness, and personal growth. Mercury enters your Virgo-ruled romance and partnership zone on Wednesday, helping you in contrast to chemistry. Then the start of the Virgo season on Saturday invites new love, deepens existing relationships, or completes loving dynamics.

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