You won’t believe what Donald Trump just said about coronavirus testing

Reporter: President Trump, you have said many times that the number of coronavirus cases is increasing because the evidence is increasing.

Triumph: So is.

Reporter: Do you recognize that you are uploading for other reasons too? for example, which is actually spreading? And what are you going to do to stop the spread?

Triumph: Well you know we have one of the lowest death rates anywhere. If you know, [former Vice President Joe] Biden and [former President Barack] Obama stopped his tests; they just stopped him. You probably know that. I’m sure you don’t want to report it. But they stopped trying. Right in the middle, they just said, “No more evidence,” and in a much smaller problem than we have, obviously regarding this: This is the worst thing that has happened since probably 1917. This is very bad – for all the world. There are 188 countries at the moment.

But, no, we are; We test more than anyone, by far. And when you test, you create cases. So we have created cases. I can tell you some countries, they test when someone enters a hospital sick or enters a doctor’s office, but generally a hospital. That is the test they do, so they have no cases, while we do, we have all these cases. So, you know, it’s a double-edged sword.

Whoa boy.

There are so many things wrong there. Let’s review them.

1) The United States does not have the lowest mortality rate “anywhere.” In fact, according to Johns Hopkins data, the gold standard when it comes to coronavirus information, the United States has the seventh highest death rate of any country. So yes.
2) The Obama administration didn’t just stop the H1N1 test. While the comparison, which Trump loves to make, between the swine flu and Covid-19 is totally wrong (one killed 12,000 Americans, the other already killed more than 135,000), the president is also wrong about his facts. As Holmes Lybrand of CNN wrote in March:

“The CDC’s summary report on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic describes how the tests were administered at the time. The virus was first detected in the US on April 15. The CDC informed the World Organization of the Health on initial cases on April 18. A test to detect this strain The CDC developed the swine flu virus and cleared it for use 10 days later, on April 28, and the CDC began sending tests to the US USA and the world on May 1.

“Over the next four months, more than 1 million tests were sent” to 120 national laboratories and 250 international laboratories in 140 countries, “according to the CDC report.

“As of May 18, 40 states were authorized to perform their own 2009 H1N1 tests, and eight states had multiple laboratories that could process the tests, according to the report.”

3) Do not “create” cases through evidence. The notion that testing somehow creates cases rather than just identifying them is really remarkable. Of course, it is not the first time that Trump has argued that he is more or less against greater transparency and evidence, because the number of coronavirus cases is increasing. Remember that in early March, Trump was opposed to allowing American passengers exposed to the coronavirus on a ship docked in San Francisco to leave the ship.

“I prefer people to stay, but I would go with them,” he said. “I told them to make the final decision. I prefer because I like the numbers to be where they are. I don’t need the numbers to be doubled because a ship was not our fault.”
4) The proof is no The reason why we have more cases. As noted by CNN’s Ryan Struyk on July 7, there has been a 37% increase in the average daily tests in the US During that same time there has been a 152% increase in average daily cases. And since cases have increased further in Florida, Texas, and Arizona since July 7, that gap has only widened.

What Trump is doing, and has been doing for months, is to ignore the available data when it comes to evidence and confirmed cases because it doesn’t fit his narrative. And, whether you think the Obama administration handled the H1N1 flu crisis well or poorly, it has no relevance in determining whether more widespread testing is the only reason we’ve seen such a late increase in cases of coronavirus. (As I noted earlier, the evidence has not increased as much as the number of cases.)

All of this is guilty and distracting from Trump, plain and simple. You are wrong on the facts about the evidence. Comparisons to what Obama did to swine flu are meaningless because they do nothing to resolve the current crisis. The virus is not political. It infects Republicans and Democrats. Trump has yet to grasp that reality.
