You could play Cyberpunk 2077 in ‘GTA mode’, but CDPR expects you to dig deeper

CDPR Encourages Butchery Adventure

Last week, the first episode of “Night City Wire” featured a brand new trailer for starters Cyberpunk 2077. One notable factor about this preview was that it was very Action-oriented, filled with burning barrels, squeaking wheels, automatic shootings, and even a smudge of punches, emphasizing that life in Night City is far from boring or safe.

Despite this explosive preview, CD Projekt RED has noted that its tech noir RPG has much more to offer than over-the-top Hollywood action, specifically stating that while senseless chaos it is A viable option, the developer believes that players are more likely to be in tune with the exploration, conversation, and interpersonal relationships offered about non-stop blocking and loading of most open-world crime titles. .

“If you want to get out of a fuss and have no regrets, then you have a choice, and that’s fine with us,” said Max Pears of CDPR in an interview with PCGamesN. “However, once you start playing the missions and see how many options you have, I think that will make players stop and think a little bit before doing something reckless … We’ve seen a lot of people break that.” “GTA mode ‘and then after a while they realize how many things are different and adjust how they play.”

Max is not your father, neither am I, and the players collect Cyberpunk 2077 they can enjoy their hyperactive world as they wish. But I think going into a wild rampage “because you can” is likely to do enormous harm to the world and to the characters on offer. Take Bethesda’s Fall out series: if you wanted, you could basically go into each location and level it completely. Why do that when you could meet the inhabitants, win missions, trade goods, maybe find some comedy or some romance?

But then, Master Bruce, some people just want to see the world burn …

Cyberpunk 2077 It launches on November 19 on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Stadia.

“GTA Mode” is possible in Cyberpunk 2077, but you can change your mind [PCGamesN]

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