Yes, fasting intermittently. Who are you waiting for

When it comes to nutrition and diet, we are all looking for short-cuts. Many of them lead to yo-dieting, unprofitable plans and many expensive workout tools or membership, not used. So intermittent fasting, now how does it sit off the booming diet trend in the world? He has no face. Science is promising, has a long history, and when confronted with patience and thoughtfulness, it can actually burn fat, promote weight loss and improve overall health. Of course, there will be sacrifices. Here’s how to deal with intermittent fasting and what to expect.

The benefits of intermittent fasting

a Study The New England Journal of Medicine summed up decades of research on the practice, published last December, which found that intermittent fasting causes weight loss and improves blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma symptoms and the risk of cardiometabolic disease. Less conclusive evidence, for example, clinical trials, suggests that fasting may improve insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes, improve surgical outcomes by reducing tissue damage, delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and reduce multiple sclerosis. The tumor grows. . Intermittent fasting has been found in animal studies to improve the body’s response to stress, reduce tumor growth, and reduce symptoms. Reduces cognitive symptoms after multiple sclerosis and brain injury.

So how does it work? When we eat regularly, the body has a sugar on glucose, which is found in carbs, for energy. When we fast, glucose stores run out, forcing the body to turn to fat, a type of fat for triglycerides. “Every time you eat you replenish the glucose stores in the liver.“Dr. Mark Mattson says, Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University and author of the NEJM study. It doesn’t take 10 to 12 hours to make this switch. During each subsequent hour, fat ketones are broken down in the body, providing energy to the brain. This metabolic switch has many effects that are good for our health.

Mattson says most cancer cells depend on glucose, so relying on the body’s ketones can deprive cancer cells of energy and prevent tumor growth. Clinical trials of intermittent fasting in patients are currently underway Breast, ovarian, prostate, endometrial, brain and colorectal cancers. And animal studies have found that fasting can reduce tumor growth and Improves the body’s response to stress, which Mattson says provides reason to believe that it can improve the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, both of which are extremely stressful for the body.

In mitochondrial research on rats, fasting activated the parasympathetic nervous system, as opposed to a fight or flight response. This explains the positive effects of intermittent fasting on blood pressure, cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Matson says the parasympathetic nervous system slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure like aerobic exercise. Intermittent fasting also protected rats’ neurons (specialized cells that transmit information to the brain) from aging, reducing their risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

In the future, intermittent fasting may also be used to treat certain types of diabetes. Emerging evidence suggests that it helps regulate insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose in the bloodstream. When the body is sensitive to insulin, it can quickly purify sugars from food and blood, says Dr. A.S.S., a registered dietitian and postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. When it is desensitized for insulin, blood sugar remains high, which can cause issues with the eyes and kidneys and lead to type 2 diabetes. Inside Study In predisposed men, eating the same calories as usual, but limiting meals to a six-hour window, at the beginning of the day, a decrease in insulin sensitivity and blood pressure and oxidative stress – a kind of inflammation caused by an imbalance between free radicals. And antioxidants that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

Why would an earlier meal help? Stagger says it’s all about the circadian rhythm, or the sleep wake cycle. In the morning we are more insulin sensitive, which helps in controlling blood sugar. It describes the circadian rhythm as a progressive system. Your body expects it to come out relaxed, and improves its insulin sensitivity in the morning to prepare for the day, and lowers it at night in anticipation of sleep. “Eating in alignment with the light hours of the day actually aligns the brain clock with the body clock.

How to implement intermittent fasting

The fasting periods in the second study were severe – participants ate all of their meals within the six-hour window, finished dinner before 3 p.m., but Stager said it shouldn’t be dramatic. “We generally know that it reduces a person’s normal eating habits, so if one normally eats within a 12-hour period, reducing it is probably going to be of little benefit over a 10-hour period. I think there is more fasting time than fasting period, ”says Stager Zar. To start, she recommends moving a little before dinner.

After eating this way for a few weeks, participants in the Early Time Restricted Food study lost their appetite at night, so it is likely that after you get into the early 2-4 week lumps, it may be relatively easy to maintain an intermittent fast. But for those who are struggling to walk without eating for a long time, exercising will help speed up the time it takes to become a metabolic switch. “[Exercise] The liver’s energy will accelerate the depletion of energy stores and the return to fat, “says Matson. Many find it easier to skip breakfast and stick to a short meal window, while Stager says waiting all day to eat and then gorging on dinner won’t be as beneficial. That you will eat differently than you did before.

If you are looking for intermittent fasting to help you lose weight without making any changes What You eat, you should know that it is not easy. The NEJM study says that intermittent fasting is a method of weight loss that is as effective as dieting, citing a literary review of six short-term studies. The study Alternative days relied on intermittent fasting, with participants going a few days each week, eating only a few hundred calories. It makes sense that cutting the value of the whole day leads to weight loss. But researchers have noted that this type of eating is not “well tolerated.”

Early time restricted diet, the kind of intermittent fasting that was the subject of another study, in which subjects took all their meals every day for a period of six hours, did not cause weight loss, although it was created by design. Participants said that in such a short period of time their regular meal was harder than not eating at night, so this type of behavior should not be mimicked in a laboratory setting. Either way, the results of the study suggest that “It’s not really a weight loss method,” says Steer, who says that people who lose weight on IF lose about 1 to 2 percent of their body weight. “I take it kind of as a backup for people who are really struggling to make any other changes to their diet.”

Like maintaining other healthy but strict habits, the effects of intermittent fasting only work as long as you do. As few benefits as can be seen in 2-2 weeks, it quickly reverses when you stop fasting. “ITea is a thing of declining returns, “says Mattson, compare his exercise. Although you will benefit from the length of any interval fasting, the benefits will not be sustained when you go back to normal eating. If you lose weight, you will be able to regain it in the same way as you do after stopping another diet. So if You use fasting to lose a few pounds and then pause, weight loss is no more sustainable than having a crash diet and then resuming your normal eating habits.

Plus, The effects of intermittent fasting compared to what you will see with significant weight loss. And It can not be used for a healthy diet. “If someone really wants to eat badly, they should target what they opposed at the time. ” Says Stager. Children, the elderly, pregnant women and anyone who has struggled with binging and purging should avoid intermittent fasting. In general, limiting your meals to a short period of time has some benefits from grazing all day. But there is nothing substitute for a balanced, varied diet.

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