XCOM: Chimera Squad Guides – Polygon


XCOM: Chimera Squad it is a game of systems within systems (within systems), and they are all interconnected. However, not all are new. As we said in our XCOM: Chimera Squad Review, he manages to successfully mix the most vital elements of the franchise into something new.

But managing all those systems can be a lot to understand. You are in charge of everything from keeping City 31 and its districts under control to loading your Agents’ weapons. Whether you are a veteran of the series or a newcomer, we have guides to help you.

Check out our overview of everything that can be done at the Chimera Squad Field Office headquarters and tips on how to handle district unrest and city lawlessness to better understand things.

When you take on combat missions, we have an explainer for XCOM: Chimera SquadThe new Breach mode, some general combat tips, and a guide on using the timeline to be as efficient as possible in battle.

Nvidia’s high-end GeForce RTX graphics cards enable enhanced “cinematic quality” graphics with real-time ray tracing.

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