Xbox veteran who appointed duke controller after Son Dies, Phil Spencer pays homage

A longtime Microsoft employee has died, and several Xbox veterans are paying their respects. Brett Schepf worked on notable Microsoft products such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, the Sidewinder controller, and the launch of the original Xbox, of which he contributed a lot. The original Xbox controller was nicknamed “The Duke,” a name derived from Schepf’s son, who was very young at the time.

The Duke remains one of the most controversial controllers in video game history, with editors at the time calling it too big and too voluminous. That said, the Duke has his fans though, and many of us had at least one friend who insisted on using it for Halo. It was restarted later in 2017 and remains available today.

“Brett was in the hardware group (mice and keys) when we rolled in and revamped his group and his entire world with the console idea,” he wrote Seamus Blackley, widely regarded as the father of the Xbox. “His easy smile, charm and relentless crazy drive was instrumental. He was also afraid it would end his career!”

“Unfortunate sad news. A loss for anyone who knew Brett,” he wrote Phil Spencer, the current head of Xbox. “Thoughts go out to his family. I remember Brett as someone who came up with every challenge with energy, passion and a desire to do what is right.”

Schepf’s sons Duke and Jack have organized a GoFundMe for his cremation expenses and end of life celebration, with the rest of the money going to Jack’s college fund.

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Spilet no: De evolúsje fan ‘e Xbox Controller