Xbox Series X welcomes chilling new console exclusive, Martha is Dead

Martha is Dead, a new psychological thriller from the team behind the influence of adventure The Town of Light, will come to Xbox Series X next year. You can get a first look here, in this matching dark trailer.
Okay, so it’s not quite like some of the other next-gen things we’ve seen, but there are still some really nice details to be shown, and it’s leagues ahead of the previous work of the studio from a presentation perspective. In any case, what The Town of Light lacks on a technical level made it out with a tragic and really moving story, so there’s a good chance that the same thing will sound here as well.

“At LKA, we start with a story,” says studio founder and director Luca Dalco. “Often it’s uncomfortable, not without pain and based on truth. We’ve learned a lot with The Town of Light, and Martha’s Dead takes everything we know, and turns it up to 10.”

As the title already suggests, the game – a first-person thriller based in Italy towards the end of World War II – will focus on the death of a woman and the knock-on effects that the disaster on her twin hat. The Town of Light was a powerful and fascinating (if rather gloomy) story in an asylum, so it’s already clear that this team is not one for sunshine and unicorns. In fact, the press release even calls it ‘deep psychological distress’, so that’s something to look forward to.

Watch the trailer, and let us know your thoughts!