Xbox Boss causes big changes in Halo Infinite “Structure”

Halo Infinite is shaping up to be one of Microsoft’s biggest vacation releases, but we haven’t seen much apart from some cinematic previews yet. It stands to reason that it will basically look and play like a Halo game, but Xbox boss Phil Spencer recently hinted that some bigger structural changes could come as well. And you may be borrowing some ideas from The Master Chief Collection.

“There has been a lot of learning in the studio about what it means to have a collection, the type of Halo story and experiences within a Halo world, a Halo user interface, and a platform,” Spencer told Polygon. . “As 343 has been through this journey, they have seen some of the benefits of not requiring our clients to make a choice between ‘Do I want to play this or that?’ I feel like, in a way, the games are almost competing with each other. You see it with some of the annualized franchises out there, clearly Halo is not annualized, but you see where you spend a lot of energy you really try to move customers who are already playing your game to a new version of your game. I think as the games have evolved, there is a vision of ‘Our customers are our customers and we must respect them where they are.’ It’s similar to our Xbox message, and I think you will see that. in terms of the way Infinite is talked about, even the structure of what the game itself is. “

The Master Chief Collection encompasses all previous Halo games under one umbrella, including achievements and progression tracked in multiplayer across multiple games. That could mean that Halo Infinite will cross paths similarly with other games. Or Spencer could be referring to future plans, with Halo Infinite planned to last long in the future. The title certainly implies a long-term plan.

We will soon know more about Halo Infinite, since Microsoft is planning an event for this Thursday, July 23, with a pre-show that is also said to be great. That event will be a sample of Microsoft’s first-party plans, so we expect Halo Infinite to take center stage.

Although Halo Infinite is slated for this fall along with a new console release, it won’t be exclusive to Xbox Series X. Microsoft has already stated that it is not planning any exclusive Series X games for the first few years. Instead, all of their own games will be available on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X, and Microsoft’s Smart Delivery feature will detect what hardware you’re using and optimize it. Halo Infinite is also coming to PC.

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Playing now: Halo Infinite Master Chief Trailer | Microsoft E3 2019 press conference

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