WWE SmackDown Results, Recap, Grade: Anxious Roman Rule and Jay Uso Alliance, Bile Attacks Sasha Banks

With a little over two weeks to go until the Clash Champion Champions, WWE SmackDown returns to Thunderdam inside Orlando’s Amway Center. In the main event, G. Uso again joins Roman Rains, his cousin and the man they will face for the World Championship on September 27.

In a match fought under the rules of the Samoan Street Fight, Uso and Raines faced off against King Corbin and Sheamus in a rematch of the tagg match last week. The match was short and chaotic, but Uso and Raings won before the tense celebration, which felt like it could go south at any moment, but the show went to the airport before things were fully covered before family members.

CBS Sports was with you all night on Friday, bringing the highlights of the rockets and nighttime action. Read on to find out everything that went down just nine days before Clash Champ F Champions.

Tensions escalated between the Roman Empire and Giuseppe

Uso was interviewed at the beginning of the show, with Paul Hayman saying that Raines, who was late for his tag match last week, was “misunderstood” and was willing to admit it. Soo Soo said he was focusing on Sunday’s match, not Sunday’s Clash of Champions match with the Rains for the universal championship. Later in the show, Shemus and Corbin were talking on the back stage, when the same security guard who did the Big Set bho just two weeks ago told Shymos that his car was being tied up. Big E then attacked Sheamus before hitting the security guard, hitting him belly-to-belly through a car windshield and knocking the guard into the trunk before Adam Pierre told Big E that he had left the building.

Roman rule and Jay Uso Def. By King Corbin and Shamus Pinfall After hitting So Corbin with So So Splash, the Kings cut the in-ring promo before the match and said in simple words, “This is my yard, my island, my ring and my WWE. Come and get it from me if you want it.” During the match, Corbin and Shemus drove Usone through the table with a double powerbomb after dropping the rings, but managed to get out. As the chaos spread, Yuso hit Corbin with the universal championship belt, allowing Raines to hit the spear before coming off the top rope to score the pin. Just like the Rhines did last week, Yuso Uso was clearly annoyed by “stealing”. Before the two shared a hug, Uso celebrated with the title before throwing it on the reins and smiling. As Raso stayed in the ring as Uso walked up the ramp celebrating, his smile turned to fineness as the show flew through the air.

Ryan’s character work after the match was fantastic. The complex relationship between Rains and WWE fans always hints at being original on it. Now, during his heel run, Raines is spreading the word by becoming fictional with his own relative before Uso’s first shot in the singles championship. There isn’t much drama on what the outcome of the Clash of Fame Champions match between the two will be, but the way the new personality of these small fight rings is formed is important for promotion. And, so far, Raines has been doing a great job. The match was mostly throwing stuff. Street fights are simple chaos, but there was not much note of it. Still, Segments did his job and Raines’ cruelty to his cousin should be fun in the end. Grade: b

Bailey attacked Sasha Banks again

Sai Banks spoke for the first time since being attacked by Bailey. Banks said he heard Bailey’s promo last week where the SmackDown champion said Bailey is no longer useful to him and can’t help but be full of emotion. Sitting at the WWE Performance Center, talking about how to get the whole promotion on how to get through the hall, and before they started crying, they managed to do it together.

Banks then said that Bailey is naive and that one day he would come for Bailey’s SmackDown title without realizing it was nothing without his involvement. At the time, Bailey later attacked Banks with a steel chair. After tightening the banks ’neck braces, Belle supported as WWE officers turned to the banks at the scene.

Banks’ promo wasn’t much to write home about, mostly a rehearsal of what Bailey said, but turning Champ’s words from the point of view of his former best friend. Bailey attacked again – with Banks already injured – doing a good job of adding a little extra edge to Belle’s character. Bailey is now a terrific personality instead of just a reckless heel champion. It’s been a long time coming the program, but the payoff has been good for two straight weeks. Grade: B-

What else happened on WWE Raw?

  • Miz and John Morris started the show with The Dirt Sheet. After discussing various things planned for the show, Meez began to joke about Mandy Rose being trafficked, mocking Otis until the heavy machinery was running and knocking both of them out, Otis hit the caterpillar and splashed on Miz. . Before Miz took off her underwear. Miz was later interviewed about the back of the situation, saying it was part of the plan. He then answered a phone call, asking “that’s enough” and stopped smiling. Later that night, it turned out that Miz and Morrison were suing Otis unless he would leave the money in the bank contract.

  • Cesaro Def. Gran Metallic by Pinfall After hitting the neutralizer. The rest of the Lucha House party was kicked out of the ringside early in the match, with Callisto and Lincer Dorado giving conflicting advice to Metallic. The slow build-up to the Lucha House party break-up continues.

  • Nikki Cross Def. Lacey Evans by Pinfall After hanging neckbreaker. Before the match, Evans interrupted a conversation last week between Cross and Alexa Bliss over Bliss. During the match, Cross drew a slightly more hand-sanitized hand sanitizer in front of the ref than a warning in Cross’s eyes, but Cross was still able to secure the win. As Evans walked out of the announcement table, the expression of joy emptied and he hit Evans with Sister Abigail before he could walk.

  • AJ Style Def. Sami Zen by Pinfall With a school boy pin. Zayn pinned the style, but grabbed the style tights. Returned in favor of style but was not caught winning. As Zane sought to be declared “still champion” because the match was “non-title”, Jeff Hardy ran to the ringside and knocked out both Styles and Zayn before the table, ladder, and chair came out from under the ring. . She then climbed the ladder but Zain got out of the ring. Hardick said he was fed up with cheating and cheating before Clash extended the challenge for the two men’s CD match at Champ F Champions.