WWE Raw Result, Recap, Grade: Major Title Match Set Next Week, Survivor Series Team Filled

As Survivor Series is approaching, WWE Raw has become a home of chaos on a weekly basis. The version of WWE’s main event this week was no different, with Randy Thornton facing internal conflicts in addition to both the men’s and women’s Survivor Series teams.

The biggest news coming out of the raw is that the pair have arranged a title match next Monday with the ability to bring a big shift to the Survivor Series card. Randy Orton will once again face Drew M. Kinter after winning the belt from Hack in McIntyre in Hell in a Cell. Also, The New Day will defend the Rottag title against The Hurt Business.

CBS Sports was with you all night on Monday, bringing you all the results, highlights and grades from this week’s edition of WWE Kana.

Vs. Randy Thornton. Drew is ready to defend the container

Miz opened the “Miz TV” hosting show with John Morrison and said that he would tag Randy Orton later in the night with New Day and Drew Muntair. This led Ort to claim that Miz was also setting up a situation where he would try to cash in on a money-in-bank deal after the match, but Miz and Morris said they wanted to win because he could put them in a new line to face. The day for the raw tag title. So, in turn, Ort brought out the New Day before hitting Coffee Kingston with the RPO, prompting the contingent to rush to the ring to attack Orton. Miz hit McIntyre from behind with a briefcase, allowing Ort to hit another RKO to finish the segment.

Drew me Kintair and New Day Def. By Randy Orton, The Miz and John Morrison Pinf McIntyre then hit Morrison with a clamor. Prior to the match, Adam Pierce informed Orton that he would have to defend his title against Contera next week on raw. During the match, Ton tried his best to avoid getting into the ring, not only refusing to be tagged in an attempt to stay away from McIntyre, but not hurting him which could set him up for Miss Cash-in. After McIntyre kicked Morrison down and out, he asked Randy to preview next week’s title match. Instead, Ton Rton grabbed his belt and walked away. Moments later, McIntyre beat Morrison with Clamor for the win.

Again, the gun ratio of the channels for the title of ton ton, has been a big part of the raw in recent weeks. It has added much needed uncertainty to the top of the card. This is clear when talking about next week’s title match between Tonerton and Mintair. It makes sense for a man to go into the Survivor Series to face Roman Reigns after winning the match, just like Miz Cash-in in the post-match match. The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes, but the catchy storylines mean the show isn’t thriving every week. Grade: b

Survivor Series team chaos

Survivor Series Qualifying Match – Riddle Def. Elias and Jeff Hardy by Pinfall After hitting Bro Derek on Elias. The match was a bit messy, not really living up to the quality the participants expected. In the end, Riddle was able to win to become the final member of the Raw Men Survivor Series team. Backstage, Shemus talks to Riddle to team up, A.J. “There’s no problem kicking Riddle’s head over his shoulder,” Stiles said. Shims was then asked how Style works as a captain, just to keep Shims – and then Braun Strowman – announcing, “AJ is not my captain.”

Riddle and Keith Lee Def. Sheamus and Bran Stroman (with special guest referee AJ Styles) by Pinfial When the riddle turned over Shimos. Styles called the team to the ring later in the show in an attempt to bring them together, saying things got worse last week because they were missing the final part of the puzzle. That, Stylis said, was no longer the position they added to the riddle. Things quickly broke down in the arguments between the various members of the team. Ridley tried to compromise by giving the team “sick code names”. Style tried to give an inspiring speech about each member not wanting to be embarrassed by SmackDown, but when he again called himself the captain of the team he fell apart, so Styles made a match for late night: Shimus and Brown Strowman v. Riddle with Keith Lee and himself as guest referee. This led to a wild match in which Styles repeatedly had an accident before making an aggressive count, while an angry Shemus clung to Riddle Schmeas after he kicked his own partner.

While the WWE saw it best to write it this way because it is due to an epidemic, the Survivor Series does not refresh in view of the endless cross-brand invasion. Everyone here is playing the role of a team that is not a group of friends, but a group of big ego men and have their own personal drives. Styling is trying to run a broken ship, and she’s awesome in the role. Attacks can be fun, but inter-team fights, when done well, are better. Grade: B +

What else happened on WWE Raw?

  • 24/7 Championship – R-Truth Def. Dor Gulak (C) to win the title. Gulk established himself as a new member of The Hurt Business. After asking Gulak if he was serious, the MVP said they did not accept new members and the group beat him up, and left him lying. This allowed the truth to be pinned and scored.
  • Shayna Basler D.F. Presented by Lana Kirifuda with clutch. It was a mild job for Basler, but when she threw the weekly spot, where Jax Samoan Lana from the drops off the advertising table, to Leah to Nia Jacques, she was stopped by Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose, due to issues between Rona members. The Women’s Survivor Series team is on. Later in the show Lana thanked the two backstage, but they quickly blew it away.
  • Nikki Cross faced Alexa Bliss on the back stage And told Bliss to choose her or The Friend. Joy rocked with joy before she said she would like him.
  • United States Championship – Bobby Lashley (C) Def. Titus o Neil by submission With a heartbeat to retain the title. The match came when O’Neill threw a challenge as Lashley and MVP Survivor were running down Sammy Zane ahead of the series. O’Neill punched, but was quickly locked and submitted.
  • Asuka (C) Def. Nia Jacques by incompetence In a non-title match after the intervention of Shayna Bazzler. Jax wanted the match to try to show him why he should be the captain of the Queen’s team in the Survivor Series. Asuka made a quick start, but Jacques succeeded in recruiting. The rest of the team, on paper, fighting with each other, got involved on aprons. Disruption led Asuka to lock Asuka in the lock, but Bazzler ran into the ring and kicked Asuka for disqualification. Jacques and Baszler then attack Brooke and Rose before looking at Lana. This, of course, led Ax to hit the Samoan drop through the announcement table just before Lex told Nan that he was not on the team and was just leaving.
  • Angel Garza cut back stage promo He said he fights to show all women more deserving than the rest of the men in the world.
  • 24/7 Championship – R-Truth Def. Akira Tozwa to win the title. This started as a seven-way match. There were nine title changes to the segment before R-Truth managed to escape with the belt. Order of Pinfls: Akira Tozwa Def. Truth, Eric Def. Tojawa, Drew Gulak Def. Eric, Tucker Def. Gulak, Gulak Def. Tucker, Tucker Def. Gulak, Metallic Def. Tucker, Dorado Def. Metallic, Truth Def. Dorado.
  • Mustafa Ali D.F. Ricochet by presentation With cozy clutch. It was a tremendous performance for both men showing really incredible moves. Ricochet won most of the match, but chose to dive into the retribution on the ringside to allow Ali to recover and lock the submission to stop him running.