WoW Shadowlands expansion gives you a big decision to make

Among other things, World of Warcraft’s upcoming Shadowlands expansion introduces a new feature called Covenants. Players can choose to align themselves with one of the four Covenants, which are “mysterious sects” that are each following their own path within the Shadowlands.

In a new interview with GameSpot, WoW games director Ion Hazzikostas shared more information about the Covenant system and how he thinks it gives players the best option they’ve had to make since they created their character at the start of the game. . Hazzikostas mentioned that the Covenant system borrows elements from previous WoW expansions to create something new and special.

“The Covenant system is based on the lessons learned and the characteristics of several different expansions. There is an element of the garrisons of the Warlords of Draenor expansion, these bases that you can build and customize; there are elements of Legion artifact weapons and the customization and talent trees each of the weapons had as you could empower and handle them, “said Hazzikostas. “There are elements of the Battle for Azeroth war campaign that were Alliance or Horde, each with a separate maximum-level story.”

In Shadowlands, players will learn about the four Shadowlands superpowers: Night Fae, Necrolord, Kyrian, and Venthyr. With all the knowledge you’ve gathered on your way to the new level cap of 60, then you will make a great choice to align with one of them.

“I think [this is] it’s probably the biggest and most exciting choice any player has ever had in World of Warcraft, going back to the choice he had when he made his first character and chose which class he wanted to be and which faction you wanted to join, “said Hazzikostas .

“When you reach the maximum level, you will have learned about the four superpowers of the Shadowlands. What is their spirit, the aesthetics that motivate them and what powers they have to offer you,” said Hazzikostas. “And you will choose what excites you the most. And that will create and form a lens through which you will see the rest of your journey through the shadowlands. And that means everything WoW involves: everything from power progression even unlocking cosmetics for a hopefully compelling story. “

Once you choose a Covenant, you are granted access to your shrine, a place where you can take on new missions as part of a new campaign that introduces another narrative to the MMO. Each Covenant class also has unique abilities, a unique mount, and specific appearance elements.

Shadowlands will launch later this year, despite some challenges related to COVID-19 and the new work-from-home setup that Blizzard is working on. It was also recently confirmed that Blizzard will stop charging players for changing genres with the new expansion.

Here are some more insights from GameSpot interviews with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas.

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