Wow Hit Sifist picks “millions” of flowers to hit a new level.

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Image: Snowfall

Doublegent, The world’s most famous pacifist (in The world of craft craft), From now on hitting the game’s new maximum level cap, uh, by intensive gardening on the wandering isle.

Famous for never choosing a side Of Warcraft Eternal struggle, and consequently to stay forever in the early field of play, Doublegant spends his days … wandering around picking flowers and doing some mining.

After the recent release of Shadowlands Expansion, there was an improved level of 60 caps to hit, so Dubagent got to work. Picking the more flowers, spent the last two weeks honoring her herbalism to reach the new roof.

On friday like PC gamer Reports, He has done enough to go to the level of 60 weeks, in just two weeks Shadowlands’ Highlighted, mostly by “picking millions of flowers.

I .Nade Respect the hustle. Azareth has seen ample bleeding. His example could inspire another one million herbalists and du-buyers.
