Wonder Woman 1984 & Credits Scene Explained – / Film

Wonder Woman 1984 - Gail Gadot - Golden Armor

With every superhero movie, a final credit scene is expected now – whether it will work for a sequel, the building blocks needed for a vast cinematic universe or just fun meta-nodes. Saving grace (or the biggest sin, depending on who you ask) Patty JenkinsWonder Woman The films are that they exist in their own small corner of the DC universe, with 2017 Wonder Woman Also skip the post credit scene altogether. But Jenkins to deliver a course Wonder Woman 1984 Credits scene at the end, not the only one fans expected.

Spoilers for Wonder Woman 1984 Follow.

Who is Asia? Those are the unanswered questions that are left hanging through Wonder Woman 1984, After determining a sequence in ancient times before the creation of Themiskira, when the Amazon people freed themselves from slavery by humans. Diana recounts the backstory of the golden armor she wore in the last act of the film, telling how her great warrior Asteria captured an army of men with the help of incredible golden armor while others fled to Amazon safety. When Diana came into the world of men, she searched for Austria but did not find her body, empty armor.

But, as the final credits scene reveals, Austria did not die as Diana expected.

In the middle credits scenario, we see a black-haired woman when a large wooden pole in the outside market begins to crumble. The woman accidentally grabs one of the poles with one hand, for the relief of the family with a small child, who was in the path of the straight pole. The mother thanks the woman, who turns around and reveals herself to be Linda Carter, The star of the iconic Wonder Woman The 1970s TV show, which introduced itself as Austria, with a little glance at the camera.

It’s a great pleasure for 70s fans and it’s such an annoyance that Diana won’t be the only Amazon to save humanity in the world of men who can act sensibly. Will it lead to sequels or anything in the big DC universe? Probably not – this sounds like a cute fan service moment. But D.C. The character of Asteria does not exist in the Kics mix, though in much less fashion than she portrays. Wonder Woman 1984.

Who is Asia?

As far as we know, Austria appeared only once in 1998 in the mainstream DC Com Mix continuity. Elseworlds: Supergirl and Batgirl. At the beginning of the story, many members of the Justice Society head to Gotham City for an awards gala, but some are left on the back bench to keep an eye on things at the Justice Society headquarters. One of them is Austria, which probably gets a line of – speaking with the alternate universe Tim Drake – and which will never appear again.

Greek mythology has a slightly higher presence in Asia, such as the Greek goddess who escapes the advance of Zeus by fleeing Mount Olympus and transforms herself into the island of Delos. Later, she ended up giving birth to Hectane, the goddess of magic and sorcery.

Wonder Woman 1984 Is now streaming on HBO Max.

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