With the coronavirus on the rampage, Israel tightens the holiday lockdown

JERUSALEM – The Israeli government said on Thursday it was tightening its second national lockdown after the number of coronavirus cases rose to nearly 5,000 a day in the past week, the highest per capita rate in the world.

The new measures, to be implemented on Friday, will remain in place until at least mid-October until the end of the Jewish High Holy Days. Most businesses and workplaces will have to close, and all gatherings, including protests and communal prayers, will be limited to groups of 20 people within about 1,100 yards outside the home.

“Over the last two days, we have heard from experts that we will reach the brink of the abyss if we do not take drastic and immediate action,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet. Lower down restrictions.

Restrictions have been made for Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar lender, which begins at sunset on Sunday. A limited number of worshipers will be allowed to pray inside the synagogue last week for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashna.

Like Rosh Hasna, the rabbis will need to organize the worshipers into clusters of 20 to 50, wearing masks and separated by dividers. The number and size of groups will be calculated based on the local infection rate, how many entrances and available space in each synagogue.

Ultra-rhetorical cabinet ministers argued that for many Jews, praying outside in the heat on Monday would be unbearable, especially given the 25-hour fast on the holy day of atonement.

But others said the intention to impose a strict lockdown on Yom Kippur was allowed to take full-day services at the synagogue because available evidence suggests the virus spreads more easily than outside the home.

Synagogues are usually full of capacity at Yom Kippur, usually the most attended services of the year. Images in, after Rosh Hushna Local news reports said a number of Orthodox people had gathered around the entrance to a synagogue in the northern city of Haifa.

The new sanctions, which would correct high economic prices, were largely intended to stem the tide of political and cultural controversy in Israel.

On the one hand it is asserting its right by law to assemble and protest in front of the Prime Minister, as thousands of people are taking to the streets near his official residence in Jerusalem weekly. On the other hand, there are dissident politicians, who oppose restrictions on prayer as long as mass protests are allowed to continue.

Critics have questioned Mr. Netanyahu’s motives, which are at the hearing on allegations of corruption, and have protested against opponents and cast them as spreading the virus.

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Yair Lapid, Said The bottom line was the bottom line: “Prohibition against Netanyahu is forbidden.”

Mr Netanyahu and his attorney general, Avichai Mendeblit, have said the urgent need to overcome the public health crisis also overrides fundamental rights, including praying without limits or praying sectarian.

“Leadership means making tough decisions, making the necessary decisions and making life-saving decisions,” Mr Netanyahu told his cabinet, in a statement from his office. “We are not privileged to know that we can prevent additional mortality and we have not taken action.”

Mr Mendeblitt said the public health crisis is a tiff of urgency to protest and ban prayers.

In a statement on Thursday, he said it would be “legally appropriate” to limit significant performances, prayers or any other activity involving gatherings, given the scope of disability due to conditions as high as the need for a general lockout.

He added that the police had decided that up to 2,000 protesters could fit in the area around the PM’s residence while maintaining social distance and staying in separate clusters of 20 people.

However, the Israeli parliament must approve any measures restricting the freedom of protest, which is anchored in the law.