Why Katy Perry asked Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift for locks of her hair

The world is anxiously awaiting the birth of Katy Perry’s first baby. She’s currently pregnant with the child of Orlando Bloom, and based on how outrageous Perry is, fans expect some crazy baby pieces to go. This is the woman who dressed up as a hamburger for the Met Gala.

The baby outfits will at least be outrageous. While Perry is anything but a traditional person, one old custom Perry is likely to take part. Many mothers keep locks of their baby’s hair, and Perry will probably do the same. Perry now collects hair from other people, so why not from her children?

Katy Perry asked Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift for a haircut

American Idol: Katy Perry
Katy Perry | ABC

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Everyone has one strange habit, but Perry’s is definitely out there. She asked fellow pop stars Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift for locks of her hair. Yes, locks of her hair.

Apparently they complied, which means they were not afraid of voodoo or witchcraft on Perry’s part. Or maybe they were just not sure how to refuse.

According to Perry: “One of the first times I went to the Grammys, I had to share a dressing room with Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, and I asked her to make each hair a lock of her hair, which is very creepy, but awesome. “Most people would just ask for an autograph, but Perry is not most people.

There are probably people on the internet who would pay big bucks for hair from one of these two women, so maybe this was some sort of investment scheme for Perry? However, Swift may have been worried about what Perry was doing to her hair during her infamous feud.

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift held a public auction

After Perry got a lock of Swift’s hair, it turned out to be the two close friends. They performed together, and posted on each other’s social media sites.

Everything was hunky-dory, despite the fact that Perry gave herself such a strange introduction. Not many friendships start with one party asking the other for a haircut, but it worked for the ‘Hot N’ Cold ‘singer. Until things started moving south around 2013.

First, Swift and singer John Mayer had a quasi-relationship. They were tracked down together, and Swift apparently referred Mayer in one of her songs, but the relationship was never confirmed. After Mayer and Swift ended things, Perry started posting photos of herself and Mayer on Instagram.

Neither Perry nor Swift have said the incident started their feud, but in 2014, Perry tried to hire dancers who were touring with Swift. Even though the dancers had worked for Perry in the past, Swift saw the attempt to take her off her journey as an act of war.

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Swift made clear her feelings for Perry. She said she and another pop star were “straight enemies” in an interview with Rolling Stone. Swift did not name Perry by name, but it was clear who she was talking about. They would feed for three years. Perry claimed that Swift started the feud, and should end it. She even wrote a song about Swift, “Swish.”

By 2017, Katy was ready to end the meat. She sent Swift an actual olive branch, a symbol of peace. Swift posted on social media about the gift, and a year later, the two apparently baked cookies together in Swift’s kitchen. When Perry tried to do all sorts of dark magic with Swift’s hair during her feud, it did not work. Those were some of the most successful years of Swift’s career to date.