Why is plague still a thing in 2020? And are you at risk?

It is transmitted by flies that live off rodents and symptoms, which usually appear within one to seven days after infection, include painful, swollen lymph nodes, called bubos, in the body, armpits or neck areas, such as fever , fever and cough.

Plague affects humans and other mammals.

Most commonly, humans get the plague after being bitten by a rodent float carrying Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes the disease, or by treating an infected animal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Cats, which themselves become ill, can infect humans directly, although harder dogs can usually bring the meat back to their owners. People can also get sick by ingesting drops from the cough of an infected person like an animal.

A man in New Mexico has died this year from the state's second reported case of plague

The bacterium persists because low levels circulate among populations of certain rodents, according to the CDC. These infected animals and their flies serve as long-term reservoirs for the bacteria.

Where can you get the plague?

Plague occurs naturally in rural areas of the western United States, particularly Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico. That is where an average of seven human plague cases are reported to the CDC each year. But significantly more cases occur in parts of Africa and Asia.

From 2010 to 2015, there were 3,248 cases worldwide, including 584 deaths, according to the World Health Organization. It said the three most endemic countries are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar and Peru.
There are three types of plague – bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic plague. With the pneumonic form of plague – which means it affects the lungs – there is a risk of direct transmission from person to person. That was the case in the major outbreak in Madagascar in 2017, where 2,348 were confirmed, probable and suspected cases and 202 deaths.
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“The plague bacillus is still present in many parts of the world, including the US, mostly among rodents such as prairie dogs and marmots in grassland habitats,” said Drs. Matthew Dryden in July at the Science Media Center. Dryden is a consultant microbiologist at the University of Southampton and the Rare and Imported Pathogens Department of England.

“It sometimes spreads to humans when there is direct contact between infected animals like their meat and humans,” he said.

The last urban plague epidemic in the United States occurred in Los Angeles from 1924 to 1925, the CDC said.

How worried should I be?

Modern antibiotics – streptomycin is the usual first-line treatment – can prevent complications and death if given immediately after symptoms appear. However, a strain of bubonic plague with high resistance to streptomycin was recently seen in Madagascar.
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“The risk of transmission to and explosive outbreaks among humans, as occurred in the Middle Ages and until the antibiotic era, is currently highly unlikely, as the bacteria-causing plague remains susceptible to antibiotic treatments,” Dryden told the SMC.

“It is important that we use antibiotics appropriately and sparingly to maintain the activity of these important drugs.”

The same treatment is used for the two most common types of plague. Bubonic plague has a case-fatality ratio of 30% to 60% as untreated, while pneumonic plague, if left untreated, is always fatal, according to WHO.

More than 80% of FS cases have been the bubonic form, which is the most common form of infection. Untreated bubonic plague can turn into the more serious pneumonic plague, which causes rapidly developing pneumonia after bacteria spread to the lungs.

Is there a vaccine for the plague?

At present there is no effective vaccine against the plague. While a live contaminated oral vaccine has shown some promise against pneumonic plague, it does not offer protection against bubonic plague, according to one 2015 study.
A recent review of experimental pest vaccines suggests that researchers are exploring a variety of approaches to develop effective pest inoculation.
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Since different vaccine designs lead to different mechanisms of immunity, the authors conclude that combinations of different species can overcome the limitations of individual vaccines and effectively prevent a potential plague outbreak.

How do you protect yourself and your family?

Important steps to prevent pestilence include eliminating rodent nests to clear your home, shelters, garages and recreation areas through brush, boulders, trash and too much firewood.

Report sick or dead animals to law enforcement or your local health officials; do not accept or accept them yourself. If you absolutely must have a sick or dead animal, you must wear gloves.

If you live in an endemic area, take additional precautions. Use insect repellent containing DEET to prevent meat bites and treat dogs and cats regularly for flies. Do not sleep with your pets, as this will increase your risk of getting plague. Finally, your pets should not have to live on rodent habitats, such as prairie dog colonies.
