Why has Bari Weiss’ resignation from the New York Times rocked the media world?

Nothing itches more than the criticism of an insider.

Bari Weiss, a New York Times opinion editor whose sin was not to be a left-winger, has issued a scathing accusation of the newspaper’s out-of-control liberal culture, in the form of a resignation letter.

Your open letter to publisher AG Sulzberger may seem overheated by an outside critic. But Weiss, a controversial writer hired in the Wall Street Journal’s opinion section, says some colleagues have privately complained about a “new McCarthyism” in the Times.

Weiss says that he has been “constantly harassed by colleagues who disagree with my views. I have been called a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to ignore comments about how I am ‘writing about the Jews again’. Various Colleagues perceived as friends with me were harassed by coworkers. My work and character are downgraded openly on Slack channels across the company where header editors regularly intervene. There, some coworkers insist that I have to eradicate so that this company is truly ‘inclusive’, while others post ax emojis next to my name.Other New York Times employees publicly defame me as a liar and fanatic on Twitter without fear that harassing me will come up with the right action. They never are.


Obviously, this is the next chapter after the liberal newsroom revolt that led to the removal of James Bennet, editor of the newspaper’s editorial page, for publishing an online article by Republican Senator Tom Cotton calling on the military to quell unrest as a last resort. The piece was quickly rejected after internal protests. Weiss had also criticized that episode.

Weiss, the author of a book on anti-Semitism, describes herself as centrist and has made a few mistakes. She has previously complained about the social media “mafia,” telling HBO’s Bill Maher two years ago: “Saying ‘I am offended’ is one way to make someone radioactive; a way to stain your reputation. “

Acting editor at Times editorial page Kathleen Kingsbury thanks Weiss for her service and said the newspaper will continue to publish “voices, experiences and views from across the political spectrum.”

But Weiss describes a double standard, he calls it “self-censorship,” in which sufficiently awakened pieces navigate with little scrutiny: “Why edit something challenging for our readers, or write something bold just to go through the numb process of doing it. Ideologically kosher, when we can ensure job security (and clicks) by publishing our opinion piece number 4000 arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world. “


And her letter to Sulzberger was personal, reprimanding him and other executives for allowing the culture of bullying, she says the ax emojis were posted alongside her name on an internal channel, while praising her privately for her courage.

But here’s why this is not an opportunity for critics of the Times, especially on the right, to criticize the newspaper. “Twitter,” Weiss writes, “is not at the head of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its latest editor.” Those words could apply to any media outlet that fears more of an online backlash than upholding the principle.

And liberals should join conservatives in defending freedom of expression, at least those who still believe that more than one ideological vision should be allowed in the media market.