Why Ghost Of Tsushima Doesn’t Have a Locking Mechanic

Ghost of Tsushima does not have a blocking mechanic, which encourages players to stay in the middle of a fight instead of keeping all enemies in front of them, to keep an eye on all possible threats. In an interview with Ghost of Tsushima creative director Nate Fox, I asked him why Sucker Punch decided not to include a blocking mechanic.

“Well working in combat, we saw samurai movies, which of course are an inspiration to the feel of this game,” Fox replied. “And the fighters in those movies will often have to fluidly shift their attention from an incoming enemy. to another. Therefore, combat is based on dealing with a variety of enemies, a group of them. “

Although you will face other enemies, you will mainly fight against the Mongols in Ghost of Tsushima. “We try to give [the Mongols] a feeling of being like a pack of wolves that would surround you, “said Fox.” And only through skill, you could repel them when they attack you from all sides. If we had a block, you wouldn’t have been able to move as fast between different opponents as they did with you. “

Fox compares the combat of the Ghost of Tsushima with a dance where you knit “between [Mongol] swords as they move through space. “If Ghost of Tsushima had incorporated a blocking mechanic, Fox would deposit that it would have been more difficult for players to improvise and respond to numerous simultaneous threats. As it is, the Ghost of Tsushima combat asks you what to attack, block, stop and dodge – the lack of a blocking mechanism means you don’t have to consider it when enemies surround you.

In GameSpot’s review Ghost of Tsushima, Edmond Tran writes, “The game reaches many fantastic cinematic levels, and these finally lift it above the pitfalls of its familiar open-world quest design and all the innate weaknesses that accompany it. , but those blemishes and dull edges are definitely still there Ghost of Tsushima is at his best when he rides his horse and gazes at the beautiful world on his own terms, armed with a sword and a screenshot button allowing signals environmental and their own curiosity to guide you. It’s not a Criterion classic, but many times it seems to be one. “

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Playing now: Tsushima’s Ghost – Cinematic Combat Montage

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