Why does PS5 Outform Reforms Xbox Series X Work on Some MicroSF Games

While Micros has been suggesting that the Xbox Series X is the “most powerful console in the world”, the PS5 is pushing it forward in early game tests, and Micro Why is working. As reported by The Verge, Digital Foundry has analyzed some of the new games in both the PS5 – 10.28 teraflops of GPU performance – and the Xbox Series X – which is capable of 12 teraflops – and it’s not as one-sided as it initially appeared.

In Devil May Cry 5, the Xbox Series performs better in X4K and Ray tracing modes, but runs better on the PS5 due to frame rate gaps exceeding 40fps in some cases.“Dips sounds really weird to me, and it suggests to me some sort of API limitation on the XBX side where the GPU is held back by something,” he says. Digital Foundry Editor Richard Leadbetter.

The heavily promoted Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by Micro .ft runs a little easier on the PS5, with Xbox Series X version screen tearing and regular frame rates below 60fps.

The same story plays out in Dirt 5, where image quality and resolution are in favor of the PS5. Developer of dirt Codemaster This expression acknowledges the gap, and has already said that its performance is improving.

Xbox Series X | The best games to play on S.

Call Call DF Duty: Black Ps Cold War Rays run better on Xbox Series X in ray tracing performance mode, but PS5 performs better in 120fps mode.

Why does this happen in multiple games? Some developers have spoken to The Verge and said that some of the issues stem from the fact that MicroSt. .

So, it looks like this issue isn’t necessarily a platform issue, but an issue with developers who don’t have enough time to optimize their titles for the Xbox Series X. .A Microsoft Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement: “We are aware of performance issues in a handful of optimized titles on the Xbox Series X | S and are actively working with our partners to identify and resolve questions to ensure the best experience.” Edge. “As we begin the new console generation, our partners are just scratching the surface of what the next-gen console can do and expect minor bug fixes as they learn how to take full advantage of our new platform. . We future Xbox Series X | Looking forward to continuing to work with developers to further research S’s capabilities. “

The XB Series X Series X has some advantages over the PS5, on paper like variable refresh rate and full AMD RDNA 2 support, but many developers still need time to take advantage of all the power the Xbox Series X offers.

For more on the Xbox Series X, check out our Xbox Series X review and accessibility review, the best games to play on the Xbox Series X / S right now, and the best things to do first with your Series X.

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Adam Bakhhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter MadAmadBankhurst And on Twitch.