Why are ‘Mulan’ and ‘Tenet’ still not going directly to digital?

Amidst those changes, and the frustrating process of moving the ball, only to move it again, why do these studios insist on a theatrical release at such a tense moment? Why not just put “Tenet” and “Mulan” on digital platforms and get it over with? I mean, that’s what “Trolls World Tour” did, and that worked pretty well.

But there are good reasons why studios won’t just release these big-budget movies in digital form, even with a captive audience trapped at home, clamoring for content.

“It is both financial and symbolic,” Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Comscore (SCOR), he told CNN Business. “It is one thing for smaller or independent films to go digital, but blockbusters are a different animal. If they skip theaters, it destroys the configuration the industry has had for decades, which has benefited both movie theaters and studios. “
Films like “Tenet” and “Mulan” are set to be world hits – their production costs hundreds of millions and will hopefully bring billions in box office returns. And with all due respect, “Trolls World Tour” was not expected to bring ticket sales for a thriller by Christopher Nolan, arguably Hollywood’s most prominent director, and a movie based on an animated classic from Disney (DIS), The largest movie studio in Hollywood.

(Warner Bros., which produced “Tenet,” is a unit of AT&T, which also owns CNN.)

And digital, while arguably the future, is still not bringing in the kind of money that a giant movie release still can.

However, it is about more than money. There are cultural and industrial ramifications that come with placing a movie like “Mulan” or “Tenet” on a Disney + or HBO Max. It sets a precedent that affects the end result of a study and could forever change the way we go to the movies.

The financial

Making “Mulan” was not cheap. Disney spent $ 200 million on production alone, and the studio invested time and money to make sure the film was a hit in the U.S. and China: The World’s No. 2 Film Market.

“Mulan,” which tells the story of a legendary fighter from ancient China, was a billion dollar hit before the coronavirus. With its international cast and its history focused on China, much of that was expected to be due to the Chinese public.

There is no Disney + in China. Putting “Mulan” in digital format would be wasting the potential (and the profits!) That the film could have worldwide.

That’s why delaying the film over and over, at least for now, still makes more sense from the point of view of dollars and cents, even if it frustrates the millions of parents trapped at home crying out for ways to entertain their children. .

“Trolls World Tour”, however, is a completely different consideration. According to Universal, Shawn Robbins, chief analyst at Boxoffice.com, it made more sense for Universal to put the film in homes because it provided a low-risk opportunity to experiment with a home launch in “a vacuum of competition.”

“From a historical perspective, most of the animated sequels outside the premier franchises have been prone to the diminishing returns law,” said Robbins. “‘Trolls World Tour’ may have turned out to be a relative success as a theatrical release, but the first film did not generate the kind of box office earnings expected of a major international player like ‘Mulan.'”

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But some of you may be saying, “Well, Disney skipped theaters and released ‘Hamilton’ on Disney +, and that was a big problem.”

It is true. Despite not having substantial numbers to back it up, “Hamilton” was a sensation when it hit Disney + the weekend of July 4. But would that movie have been a box office hit in theaters? We will never know.

“Hamilton,” which Disney reportedly bought the rights for $ 75 million, is a Broadway show about America’s founding fathers, so who knows if there would have been a massive demand for audiences outside the United States.

It also lasted almost three hours, which likely would have hurt its box office as longer movies play on fewer screens and have fewer projections, which equates to less money. Sure, “Avengers: Endgame” lasted over three hours and still managed to become the greatest movie of all time. But Alexander Hamilton is not Captain America.

In the end, it was worth the financial risk for Universal to launch “World Tour” and for Disney to launch “Hamilton” at home. But a movie like “Mulan?” That runs the risk of leaving too much money on the table.

If digital is the financial hit theaters are still making, audiences are likely to see “F9,” the next “Fast & Furious” movie, at home right now and not in theaters next April.

The symbolic

Beyond money, the symbolic half of this equation is also key.

For theaters, struggling to survive the coronavirus-busting business for several months, it’s also about maintaining the unique feel of a movie-going event. This is why studios and streamers like Netflix have been grappling with time that a movie should be available in theaters before being offered on other platforms.

Studios may refuse to release big movies at home because that would empower audiences to expect it to go ahead. And if that happens, good luck for viewers to return to theaters after Covid.

It is also about maintaining relationships. For example, “Tenet” would undoubtedly do well digitally thanks to the recognition of its director’s name. However, Nolan firmly believes in the theatrical experience, and it is doubtful that he allows his films to be released anywhere other than on the big screen.

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Studios have to keep things copacetic with movie theater owners if they want their symbiotic relationship, which earned more than $ 40 billion a year in 2019, to continue. Just look AMC Theaters (AMC) It banned Universal movies earlier this year for suggesting the studio would put more movies in digital format.

Therefore, it may not be worth the risk of studies throwing the baby in the bath water when it comes to digital and streaming for now. However, as theater closings extend into fall and possibly winter, it wouldn’t be shocking if a studio decided to be the first to release a great movie at home.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that the old Hollywood adage, “nobody knows anything,” rings more true now than ever.
