Why are Americans so confused about Covid-19? Blame Trump, says Cornell study

The Covid-19 spreads from China, but most of the “infodemics” come from the White House.

President Donald Trump is the world’s largest spreader of coronavirus misinformation, according to a new study from Cornell University.

About 38 percent of the “misinformation conversations” began with things like Trump promoting an unverified “miracle cure” for Covid-1 for, or with zero evidence, claiming that the epidemic was intended to derail his president, “the researchers said. “Cornell Alliance for Science found.

That’s dangerous, “said Sara Ivanega, the alliance’s director.

“We were interested in exploring this issue because the World Health Organization has identified Covid’s misinformation, which it calls ‘infodemic’ as a serious concern in the fight against the epidemic,” if people are misled by unscientific and unambiguous claims about the disease. If so, they will observe the official guidelines and therefore take the risk of spreading the disease. “

Other coronavirus developments:

  • The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said cruise ships would be banned from traveling in U.S. waters for at least another month. About 3,700 confirmed or suspected cases of Covid-19 on cruise ships in the United States have been reported to the CDC since March 1, and at least 41 people have been killed, the agency said.

  • Last week, about 7,837,000 people applied for unemployment benefits for the first time, as the epidemic hit U.S. When Trump took office in January 2017, the unemployment rate was 8.4 percent. It’s now..4 percent.

  • Mississippi Govt. Tate Reeves announced that he would not increase the order to wear masks, although his state has the fourth-highest rate of new infections in the country at 17.8 percent, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center. Reeves said we should not use the government’s heavy hand more than just.
  • Hospitals in parts of Wisconsin where the number of coronavirus cases has recently increased are running out of beds for patients. In Green Bay, where Trump is scheduled to hold a campaign rally on Saturday, Bellin Hospital was already at 94 percent capacity. According to Johns Hopkins, Wisconsin currently has the third highest rate of new infections with 21.14 percent.
  • White House spokeswoman Kyle McKinney said Trump has no plans to cancel the Green Bay rally, despite the Wisconsin governor urging the president to reconsider. “Yes, so the president believes people have the first amendment to a political speech,” McNenny said. “He is holding a rally. People can choose whether to come or not.
  • Republican Maryland Govt. Larry Hogg, who has received bilateral praise for aggressively attacking the epidemic, reported that for the first time in 187 days, “zero new Covid-19 deaths” were reported in the state.
  • The Pennsylvania Federal Court of Appeals said Democrat Tom Tom Wolf, a Democrat, could resume imposing a size limit on gatherings while appealing a previous lower court ruling by a federal judge appointed by Trump, who ruled that statewide crowd limits The target was taken out. Spreading virus.
  • New York, once the country’s hot spot, reported more than 1,300 new cases on Thursday. That’s the highest since May. While the state has an infection rate of less than two percent, new Covid-19 case clusters have been reported in Brooklyn, Queens and Rockland counties. People in New York City who refuse to don a mask can be hit with a fine of up to 1000.

The Karnal study, published Thursday, appears to be the first comprehensive look at epidemic misinformation in the media, and researchers have reached their conclusion after using a content aggregator to analyze 38 million Kovid-19 articles from English-language news outlets around the world.

They saw that Trump was talking about using bleach to treat Covid-19 or that he was running big misinformation “spikes” when he advocated unproven treatments such as hydroxychloroquine.

The false claim that Trump created an epidemic to establish a “new world order” by the “World State” was also a big driver of misinformation. The president therefore promoted conspiracy theories that the Covid-19 was a bio-weapon that was “intentionally or accidentally released by a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”

Many of Trump’s misleading Covid-19 information was leaked at his coronavirus press briefings, which his advisers warned after he landed in April that they were hurting his turnout figures. He described the briefing as “very successful”.

Ivanega said the media has some guilt for spreading Trump’s false Covid-19 claims.

“Inadvertently or unknowingly, the media plays a major role in spreading misinformation because it amplifies the voices of prominent people, even if the sources are wrong,” Ivanega said.

When the president gave his first Covid-19 press briefing of the month in July, NBC News has been checking Trump with facts since the epidemic began. He is a U.S. citizen. As many as 208,208 people have been killed so far and their administration’s response to the crisis, which has been a major economic crisis since the Great Depression, has been regularly discussed.

There was no immediate response to the White House study, but Trump generally dismissed any criticism as “fake news.”

Olivia Troy, a former White House coronavirus task force adviser-whistleblower, said she was not shocked by the findings of Cornell’s study.

“This is exactly what I saw every day,” Troy said on MSBNC. “We’ll meet as a task force, and the president will go out and say something that contradicts what the experts and doctors told him.”

The study was not the first time Trump has been accused of spreading false information about the epidemic and lying to the American public about the true extent of the coronavirus crisis.

According to a recently published book, Trump was caught on tape in February telling journalist Bob Woodward back that the Covid-19 was a “deadly thing” but then continued to reduce the risk of publicity and refused to wear a mask.

According to the latest figures from NBC News, Trump also insisted that his administration has done “extraordinary work,” even though the U.S. Covid-19 has the highest number of deaths and infections (7,270,398) in the world.