WHO issues directive on worldwide distribution of vaccines for Coronavirus

The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on Tuesday cracked down on what he called “vaccinationalism” and outlined those he would first vaccinate against the coronavirus.

Tedros said “no one is safe until everyone is safe” from the virus and faxes – regardless of their country of origin – should first be sent to those the UN body declares are most in need.

“While there is a desire among leaders to protect their own people first, the response to this pandemic must be collective,” he said at a twice-weekly media briefing.

“This is not a charity, we have learned the hard way that the fastest way to end this pandemic and reopen economies is to start protecting the highest risk populations everywhere, instead of the entire populations of just some countries.”

“No one is safe until everyone is safe,” he said, before outlining what he claimed was the WHO’s exemplary success in confronting the challenge of the virus that was first discovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December.

Exactly how the WHO intends to determine the distribution of vaccine by vaccine is yet to be determined, however, it is generally assumed that frontline health workers and those with pre-existing conditions who make themselves vulnerable to the virus will first be in the be rule.

It is to be hoped that the method will be communicated in a clearer way than has happened in the past.

Tedros said the WHO wanted to see the two-phase fax division controlled by 20 per cent of the population in all countries – including health workers and those with certain comorbidities to get it first.

“In Phase 1, doses will be administered proportionally to all participating countries simultaneously to reduce the overall risk,” he said.

“In Phase 2, countries will be considered in relation to threat and vulnerability,”

He said that “frontline workers in health and social care institutions are a priority” because they are “essential to treat and protect the population and to come into close contact with high-mortality risk groups.”

In May, the administration of President Donald Trump created Operation Warp Speed ​​(OWS) to collaborate with pharmaceutical corporations in researching, developing and administering a vaccine for the coronavirus at a record pace.

Although this is still a viable outcome, in the United Kingdom the Oxford vaccine – made from a modified chimpanzee cold virus – is considered one of the leading prospects in the global race and is already in phase three trials with large-scale tested in different countries.

There are more than 168 faxes in development with eight in phase three trials, including the Oxford one, the American Modern version as well as a German and Chinese variation.

Just two have been approved so far, including a Chinese version and a Russian fax that was announced last week but met with skepticism, as Breitbart News reported.

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