Who Is Vanessa Nadal? – Details of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s wife

  • Lin-Manuel Miranda has been married to his wife, Vanessa Nadal, since 2010.
  • The couple now has two children, Sebastián and Francisco.
  • Miranda and Nadal attended high school together, but didn’t start dating until 2005 when Miranda called Nadal on Facebook.

    Yes, like the rest of the world, you’ve been devouring Hamilton since she fell into Disney +, then you’re probably wondering about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s marital status.

    Fans of the Oscar-winning songwriter might not realize that Miranda has been happily married for a decade to a woman he went to high school with. Nadal describes herself as “a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher” on her Twitter account. Here is everything you need to know about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s wife, Vanessa Nadal.

    They attended the same high school.

    Although they never came out as teens, Miranda and Nadal attended Hunter College High School. At the couple’s wedding in 2010, The New York Times reported, “During his senior year, Mr. Miranda was never able to speak to Vanessa Adriana Nadal, a second-year Latino student he admired.” The composer told the newspaper: “I was beautiful and I am famous for speaking badly to women I find attractive … I have a total lack of play.”

    Broadway West Side Story opening night

    Lin-Manuel Miranda and Vanessa Nadal on March 19, 2009.

    Bruce Glikasfake pictures

    Lin-Manuel Miranda contacted his future wife on Facebook.

    Miranda came across Nadal’s Facebook profile in 2005. He decided to invite her to a show by Freestyle Love Supreme, the “popular hip-hop improv company, using words thrown at them by members of the public like tennis balls.” The New York Times. It appeared, but according to Nadal, he did not think Miranda was interested in her, since he told the publication: “It was a huge group, so he did not speak to me all night.”

    Too shy to ask for it himself, Miranda asked one of his friends to ask for Nadal’s phone number so he could invite her to another show a few weeks later. It was in that performance that Nadal realized that she was falling in love with him and told him The New York Times“When he got on stage, I thought, I Really like this guy … He’s very, very smart. “

    They joined Grand Theft Auto.

    After their show, Miranda and Nadal stayed outside and Nadal compared traffic to the video game. Grand Theft Auto, that she loved. As Miranda said The New York Times“I said very coldly, ‘All right, you’re going to come to my house tonight, and we’re going to play Grand Theft Auto and watch the Jay-Z movie and listen to Marc Anthony … After that, we quickly gave ourselves the keys to our apartments. “

    54th New York Film Festival

    Lin-Manuel Miranda and Vanessa Nadal in 2016.

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    Miranda is Nadal’s biggest fan.

    the Hamilton star raved about his wife to The New York Times and said: “She knows she is a fool … She is beautiful but not vain. She is intelligent but not arrogant. She is like, every murderer, without filler.”

    When Miranda won the best original Tony score in 2016 for Hamilton He performed a sonnet and said, “My wife is the reason something is done. She pushes me toward promise by degrees. It is a perfect symphony. Our son is her most beautiful repetition.”

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    Nadal boos when her husband kisses someone on stage.

    While tweeting live the launch of Hamilton On Disney +, Nadal revealed, “I always boo when Lin kisses someone else on stage, and the people sitting around me look at me like I’m crazy. #HamiltonFilm.”

    In a follow-up tweet, she revealed, “‘You missed the fourth kiss,’ reports Sebastian. He is counting. Thank you, boy.”

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