Whether Trump or Biden wins, US-China relations seem to have deteriorated further. Election of 2020

T.Decades before the November election have reached the lowest level between China and the United States, indicating that experts from both countries believe there is a clear direction for one of the world’s most important bilateral relations.

Under the Trump administration, the United States has imposed sanctions on Chinese officials on human rights issues in Xinjiang and Hong Kong while also increasing engagement with Taiwan, including arms sales. The trade deal to end the long-running tariff war has stalled and the U.S. has imposed further restrictions on Chinese state media.

Biden, who mentioned Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the presidential debate, is one of the many “thugs” before Trump, but he has vowed to take a tougher stance against China.

Cheng Xiaohe, an associate professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing, said Sino-US relations would not go back to where they were before. “The relationship is very bad.”

That U.S. There is a view shared in. Wendy said the U.S. Regardless of who wins the presidential election, we should expect to see growing U.S.-China tensions over the coming years on a wide range of economic, political, geo-strategic, human rights and people-to-people issues. Cutler, U.S. The Business Representative’s Office Fees focus on the former Executive Deputy, Asia.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are special flash points. In response to Beijing imposing a controversial national security law on Hong Kong, the Trump administration banned officials linked to the crackdown, downgraded the city’s special customs status and warned financial institutions against dealing “significantly” with anyone who despises Hong Kong. Autonomy.

The U.S. has sent high-level government visitors to Taiwan, drawing re-mination gains from Beijing, escalating military exercises in the region and launching a new economic dialogue with Taipei. The U.S. is being called upon to end its “strategic ambiguity” policy, which is a way to discourage Beijing and Taipei from taking military action. By refusing to come to the aid of Taiwan.

“Mutual mistrust has never been greater,” said Bonnie Glazer, director of the China Power Project at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. “I think many in China feel that the U.S. has basically abandoned its one-China policy,” he said, referring to Beijing’s view that Taiwan is part of China.

While tensions will continue under the Biden administration, as observers expect, the main difference will come closer. Biden has promised to work with allies to put pressure on China through multilateral organizations determined by Trump. Analysts expect the Democratic candidate, if elected, to work with China on issues such as climate change and the epidemic response.

“We need to be with the rest of the friends,” he told China. You will play through them or you will pay the price for not playing through them financially, “Biden said in an anti-Trump debate on Thursday.

In contrast, Trump is likely to pursue a more conflicting, unilateral strategy that is likely to increase tensions. While Trump’s approach is likely to put more immediate pressure on China, Biden is seen by others as more predictable and comprehensive.

The second term for Trump was unexpected in many ways. During the early years of his presidency, Trump praised Xi and was seen by Chinese experts as a businessman “willing to make deals and not focus on human rights,” according to Jack Diesel, a contemporary chairman of the study. China at the University of Pennsylvania.

As US Vice President, Biden met Xi Jinping in 2013 inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
As US Vice President, Biden met Xi Jinping in 2013 inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Photograph: Reuters

A trade deal, previously considered its top priority in relations with China, could be a human rights priority. Last year, Trump called pro-democracy protests “riots.” According to his former national security adviser, John Bolton, Trump told Xi to “move forward with building camps” in Xinjiang, calling the mass internment campaign “the right thing to do.”

Some optimists in China believe Trump’s four more years will give both countries time to negotiate trade deals. Still, others believe that relationships are likely to deteriorate dramatically. “The current situation could not be worse. If it gets worse, military conflict is imminent, “Cheng said.

Beijing has so far responded to various measures by the Trump administration to limit the growing tensions with each other. Trump’s four years of engaging with an increasingly aggressive Chinese leadership could end that restraint.

“It is possible that in the final months of the administration, China is gnashing its teeth and not reacting to Trump’s provocations. With one election, all the bets will be off that front, “de Lisley said.

For Hawk in China, another term for Trump is ideal. In China, state media have reported on U.S. The epidemic, the Black Lives Matter protests and the chaos of the first presidential debate are described as examples of the failing failures of American democracy.

Rush Doshi, director of the Brookings & # 39; China Strategy Initiative, said China is concerned about Trump’s aggression in the short term, but believes it could accelerate the American decline in the long term.

However, many in China met for a final discussion between the two candidates. Under the clip posted on Weibo, one critic observed: “These two should enjoy their twilight years, not expose their flaws in public.” Another wrote: “U.S. comedians have taken the stage.”

As the debate unfolded, Sheae called on the U.S. between 1950 and 1953. Gave a long speech to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the war to “resist aggression and allied Korea.”

Speaking at The Great Hall of the People, Xi said the Chinese have “learned to speak with the invaders in the language they understand.”

He declared: “The Chinese will not have trouble, but we are not afraid of them, and the troubles or challenges we face will not shake our legs or turn our backs.”

Additional reporting by Helen Davidson and Lillian Yang.