What’s going on with the Beatles? Astronomers offer special telescopes to see the star every day

Starting in late 2019, the BattleJues began to draw a lot of attention after it mysteriously began to fade, just to shine again a few months later. For variable stars such as Batalus, it is common to periodically dim and brighten, but the extent of its fluctuations led to all sorts of theories as to what could cause it. Similar to the T-BB star in 2015, astronomers offered general skeptics (excluding alien megastructure theory).

While some believe that dimming is a proposition for a star to become another type of supernova, others have suggested that dust clouds, massive sunspots, or clouds out of gas are to blame. In any case, the “Great Dimming of BattleJues” has proposed to an international team of astronomers to create a “BeatleJues scope” that cannot constantly monitor the stars.

The paper, outlining their proposal, outlined recently at the Virtual Conference of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) ical Optical Engineering + Application 2020, held from 24th August to 4th September. The paper, “BattleJues Space: Single-Mode-Fiber-Assisted Optical Interferometer Design for Monitoring Dedicated Stellar Activity”, is also available online as part of the Proteasing SPF SPI, Vol. 11490.

Turns out, the Betalus are red walls that are 12 times larger than our Sun and 900 times larger. It is located in the constellation ion about 100 light-years from Earth and can be easily spotted by finding the left shoulder of the “Hunter”.

Beginning in November 2019, the star suddenly began to slow down, reaching a historic low of only 37% reaching its brightest historical low by February 10, 2020. At this point, the Beatles began to shine by the end of May, at which point this dummy resumed all over. For the sake of their article, the team explored various theories about what causes dimming.

These include the “Dark Spots Hypothesis”, based on submillimeter observations taken by the James Clark Maxwell Telescope and the Atacama Pathfinder experiment. Then there is the “Dust Formation and Blocking Hypothesis”, based on observations of VLT / SPHERE and accompanying Hubble Space Telescope It indicates that a mass ejection occurred from a large convective cell in the photosphere.

According to the authors, all of these possibilities can be explored by precise observation of the change in the angular diameter of the BattleJues. To do this, telescopes that are capable of performing high angular resolution observations (such as interpical interferometry) are required. In this process, the visible light is gathered by two or more telescopes and then combined to obtain high resolution images.

Graphic to show how Beatles can be dimming. Credits: NASA, ESA, and E. Wheatley (STSCI)

As they point out in their study, today’s optical telescope features are not necessarily the type of time-development monitoring that will be needed. In short, running this type of campaign would mean giving inspection time from multiple facilities, which is a very expensive prospect. For this reason, the team recommends starting a telescope for the task.

Dr. Narsirdi Anugu, Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona and a leading author on Einstein, as a Prize Fellow in Astronomical Instrumentation and Technology, explained to Universe Today via email:

“For high angular observation it is necessary to apply images of any existing dark spots on the surface of the beetles and‘ thug ’convection cells. Collaborators [are also needed], And we have taken some data with a very large telescope interferometer in the fodder array at Paranal, Chile (operated by M. Montarges) and Mount Wilson Observatory. We are currently working on reconstructing the image of the interferometric data to reveal any dark spots and convection cells on the BattleJues surface. “

As they describe it, this “BattleJues Scope” will benefit from advances made in the field of optical interferometry and the telecommunications industry. It will have an array of 12 x 4 inch crossgrain-reflector optical telescopes mounted on the surface of a large radio dish, allowing snapshot imaging and time-development monitoring of the meme cells. Such as D An. Anugu described it:

“We have proposed to install a unique six telescope interferometer concept on the radio antenna. This concept aims at a lower budget by cutting down on the cost of pointing and tracking each individual telescope using pointing and radio antennas that already exist. Another advantage of installing a telescope array on a normal mount is that we do not need a longer delay line like the classical non-normal mount based long-baseline interformers. Changing the geometric delay between the wavefront reaching any two telescopes requires active compensation. “

The artist’s imprint of the red supergiant star, from which interferometry has allowed detailed observations. Credit: ESO / M. Cornmeaser

The polarization-maintenance single-mode optical fiber will then carry the compatible beam from the individual optical telescopes to the central beam-compounding facility. To compensate for damage caused by atmospheric instability, vibrations and wind conditions, the team recommends a fast steering mirror, a standard tip-tilt correction system, a fast frame rate detector and a metrology laser system to measure vibration.

In addition to being able to observe the Beatles and solve the mystery of its ambiguity, the Beatles will also allow for significant advances in the field of space astronomy. Dr .. Anugu said:

“Our proposed telescope observes battles every night with angular resolutions, filming the motion of dynamic convection activity on the surface. In this way, we will investigate the origins of dust formation around future mysterious obscure events such as 2019-2020 and the Beatles. “

Currently, Anugu and his team are building a prototype of their proposed telescope, which will be placed on a University of Arizona 6-meter (~ 20-foot) radio dish. So far, they have received a set of light-collection and fiber injection optics (12 required overall) and are integrating them into their laboratory at the Steve Observatory. They assume the prototype will be finished and ready to be installed by the end of the year.

Dr. Our. “Our proposed concept is straight forward, but we are building a pathfinder to test them,” Anugu said. “Once successful, we will reuse the same optics and actuators for real 12-meter radio antennas and 12 telescope interferometer arrays because the concept is scalable and modular.”

Further reading: Archive