What you need to know about the coronavirus on Friday, July 17

Across India, critically ill virus patients are being shunned from hospitals for lack of beds, staff and equipment as healthcare systems buckle under the pressure of the growing pandemic.

Despite its recent economic boom, India remains a developing country, with a majority of its 1.3 billion people living in poverty. A fifth survives on less than $ 2 a day.

Yet terribly similar scenes are shown in the world’s richest country, the United States. In Texas, morgues are overflowing and some patients have had to wait on stretchers for 10 hours before being examined. In Florida, several hospitals operate at their capacity. Patients who do not require urgent care are being rejected. In Arizona, people pass out from the heat while waiting hours to get tested.

The United States is much better equipped to deal with the pandemic. It spends almost 17% of its GDP on health care, approximately double the average of other developed nations. It has almost six times more beds available per 1,000 people than India. However, their death toll is five times higher.

The system is stretching beyond its limits now. 77,255 new cases were reported yesterday in the U.S., hitting a previous high two days ago and pushing the total case count above 3.5 million. At least 943 people were reported dead.

“How can you not shake your head, right?” Dr. Ali Khan, dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, told CNN. “We are one of the outliers among all our peer countries. All of Europe has contained its disease. And many parts of the world have not only contained it, they have eliminated the disease.”

Medical volunteers conduct a door-to-door medical examination within the Dharavi slums in Mumbai.


Q: Do different blood types make us more vulnerable to Covid-19?

A: Most humans fall into one of four blood groups: A, B, AB, or O. Normally, your blood type makes little difference in your daily life, except if you need a blood transfusion.
However, a recent study has suggested that people with Type A may have an increased risk of getting Covid-19 and develop severe symptoms. People with type O blood have a lower risk. The results of this study follow the evidence from previous research that certain blood groups are more vulnerable to other diseases like cancer.
Submit your questions here. Are you a healthcare worker fighting Covid-19? Send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you face: +1 347-322-0415.


Almost all patients with Covid-19 symptoms had at least one of these three

Covid-19 can cause a wide variety of symptoms, but a new analysis of 164 patient records by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that most seemed to share at least one of these three: fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

Patients were asked to report a wide variety of symptoms and also any additional symptoms that were not widely recognized. Among these patients, almost all, 96%, had had fever, cough, or shortness of breath, and about 45% experienced all three. The report said 84% of patients surveyed said they had a cough and 80% reported they had a fever.

Covid-19 is a new disease, and scientists are still learning about its symptoms. Researchers from King’s College London said yesterday that the rash should be considered a fourth key symptom of the disease. They said that 8.8% of people who reported testing positive for the virus had experienced a rash as a symptom.

These teachers are preparing their wills before the reopening of their schools.

Back to school looks a little different for many teachers across the country this year as they struggle to return to their classrooms amid a pandemic. Added to your list of concerns: Death.

“How horrible is it that one of the things on the list is to have a plan for students and teachers to die?” Denise Bradford, a teacher in Orange County, California, told Theresa Waldrop.
The county board of education voted this week to return children to schools without facial masks or social distancing, despite an increase in coronavirus cases and more than 7,000 Covid-19 deaths in the state.

Bradford is not alone: ​​Many teachers CNN spoke to, some who asked not to be identified for fear of the repercussions of their school districts, said they are preparing for the worst this fall.

Russia accused of trying to steal vaccine investigation with cyber attacks

Security officials from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada warned yesterday that Russian cyber actors are targeting organizations involved in the development of the coronavirus vaccine in an effort to steal their research.

A notice published by the UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Center has detailed the activity of a group of Russian hackers called APT29, who is also known by the name of “the dukes” or “welcoming bear”.

Cozy Bear is one of two hacking groups linked to Russian intelligence believed to have accessed the Democratic National Committee’s internal systems before the 2016 US election, but yesterday’s announcement is the first time this has been named. group in relation to cyber attacks related to the pandemic. Russia has denied the claims.

Researchers turn to Brazil for a vaccine

Brazil, where the number of cases has exceeded 2 million, is one of the few places to test experimental coronavirus vaccines. It offers an unusual and attractive combination for research: a dizzying transmission rate, as well as internationally respected research centers and a public health system with experience in creating and distributing vaccines.

According to the World Health Organization, as of this week 163 Covid-19 vaccines were being developed worldwide. While 23 had begun human clinical trials, only two reached Phase 3, the last scientific stage before approval for commercialization.

Both Phase 3 trials will include Brazil and are slated to involve at least 14,000 Brazilians. Advanced talks are also underway to launch three more vaccine trials in the country, according to Brazilian institutes consulted by CNN.

Meanwhile, more than 100 prominent scientists, including 15 Nobel laureates, have written an open letter asking that volunteers be exposed to the coronavirus to help with vaccine development.

A participant in the vaccine trial describes how its side effects were felt

One of the participants in the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine trial spoke about the side effects she experienced.
Ian Haydon, who received a high dose of the vaccine, said he had a high fever, fatigue, muscle pain and nausea. “I ended up going to urgent care as this was happening so that the doctors could monitor me and perform some tests,” Haydon said during CNN’s coronavirus council yesterday. “But like I said, after about a day, the ones that dwindled and other than that brief episode, I really didn’t have any problems.”
The Covid-19 vaccine developed by Moderna in association with the National Institutes of Health has been found to induce immune responses in all volunteers who received it in a Phase 1 study. The first results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine a earlier this week.

The UN says rich countries must step up now or pay later

The top United Nations official in charge of humanitarian aid has warned the world’s rich industrialized nations that if they do not act now, the virus will be free to go around the world.

At the current rate, the pandemic and the global economic crisis linked to it could trigger the first increase in global poverty in 30 years and “bring 265 million people to the point of starvation by the end of the year,” the UN said.

“The response of rich nations so far has been extremely inadequate and dangerously short-sighted,” Mark Lowcock, UN deputy secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said in a statement released yesterday. It has asked the world’s leading economies to donate $ 10.3 billion to support 63 vulnerable countries worldwide. As of July 12, only $ 1.64 billion in assistance had been received.


  • Spanish authorities have ordered the removal of nearly 100,000 minks after a number tested positive for the new coronavirus.
  • Canada tells American tourists to stay home.
  • A Florida coronavirus patient went from being diagnosed to dying in her daughter’s arms within days.
  • The Republican National Committee is cutting its plans for the national convention in Jacksonville, Florida, next month.
  • Meanwhile, Democratic officials have told members of Congress not to travel to their national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • India resumes international flights for the first time since March after forming “air bubbles” between India and the United States, France and Germany.
  • A 24-year-old Texas woman who spent nearly three months in a hospital battling Covid-19 says she wishes she had listened to the advice of officials and experts and wore a mask.
  • Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff thinks that masks, like seat belts in cars, should be part of the American lifestyle for the country to overcome the pandemic.
  • We knew that hydroxychloroquine did not help hospitalized patients, but a new study has now shown that it also does not help Covid-19 patients who are not hospitalized.
  • Three northern California churches have gone to federal court to challenge the state’s ban on singing and singing in places of worship, arguing that it unfairly distinguishes religious services and ignores protests against police brutality.
  • Uzbekistan has launched a new travel campaign to attract more visitors. She promises the sum of $ 3,000 in compensation to any tourist infected with Covid-19 during her stay.


Thinking of organizing an outdoor barbecue? Here are some safety tips from CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta:
  • Keep it small
  • Seat people from different homes six feet away
  • Lead guests around the yard, not around the house
  • Open the doors so people don’t have to touch the handles
  • Provide hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask
  • Don’t share food


I am really concerned that the political pressure to reopen schools, the clash of messages between what public health says should exist and what people in politics say should be happening, is going to lead to some schools reopening. They are not insurance. – Rich Besser, former interim CDC director

The White House is eager for children to return to school, but many teachers and families are concerned about the role that children might play in the spread of the virus. Dr. Gupta talks to former CDC Acting Director Rich Besser about the risks and rewards of sending children back to school, along with the importance of following the public health direction of organizations like the CDC . Listen now.
