What type of mask is better against coronavirus? The | World News

Does it matter what type of mask you wear?

Yes. Different types of face masks offer different levels of protection. N95 grade surgical respirators offer the highest level of protection against Covid-19 infection, followed by surgical grade masks. However, these masks are expensive, with a limited supply, contribute to landfill waste, and are uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Therefore, even countries that have required the public to wear face masks have generally suggested that such masks should be reserved for health workers or those at particularly high risk.


Evidence on the protective value of single-use paper masks or reusable fabric covers is less clear, but still suggests that face masks may help reduce Covid-19 transmission. The Royal Society analysis said this included homemade cloth face masks.

Are disposable paper surgical masks better or is a cloth mask okay?

Evidence on the use of any mask, outside of surgical masks, is still emerging: there appears to be some benefit, but the exact parameters of which masks are best and to what extent they protect the wearer or those around them are still being calculated outside. . A tighter fit around the face is probably better, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that any coverage, including a scarf, is better than none.

A United States study investigated which household materials best removed particles 0.3-1.0 microns in diameter, the typical size of viruses and bacteria, and concluded that good options include vacuum cleaner bags, heavy quilter cotton, or multiple layers. of material. The scarves and bandana material were less effective, but still captured a fraction of the particles.


How do you put them on safely?

Before putting on a mask, wash your hands well with soap and water. Cover your mouth and nose with your mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. Avoid touching the mask while wearing it, and if you do, wash your hands. Replace the mask when wet. To remove the mask, remove it using the elastic labels, without touching the front, and discard it immediately in a closed container or, if the mask is reusable, directly in the washing machine.

How often do you need to wash the masks?

They should be washed after each use. The CDC suggests “routinely”.


Are there any environmental concerns?

Many commercially available masks are made of plastic layers and are designed for single use only. According to an analysis by scientists at University College London, if each person in the UK wore a single-use mask every day for a year, an additional 66,000 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste would be generated. The use of reusable masks by the general population would significantly reduce plastic waste and the impact of climate change from any policy requirement for the use of face masks, according to the UCL team, led by Professor Mark Miodownik. According to the best evidence, reusable masks perform most of the tasks of single-use masks without the associated waste stream.

This article was modified on May 12, 2020 to clarify that N95 masks alone do not guarantee protection against Covid-19 infection.

This article was again amended on June 5, 2020 to include the new guidance issued by the World Health Organization.

This article was amended on June 17, 2020 and July 6, 2020 to correct the name of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Due to the unprecedented and continuing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is periodically updated to ensure it reflects the current situation to the best of its ability. Significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be noted in accordance with Guardian’s editorial policy.
