What to say, and not say, about Kanye West

American rapper Kanye WestImage copyright
PA Media

Some things we know about Kanye West.

As a rapper and producer, he has made some of the best-selling and acclaimed songs of our era. His marriage to a reality show star has made him one of the most famous celebrity couples on the planet. He is a father and a successful fashion designer. He is not afraid to speak or court controversies. He once accused President George W. Bush of living in the air of racism and said the current incumbent has “dragon energy.” He caused outrage by humiliating Taylor Swift on stage. More recently, he announced, not for the first time, that he is running for the United States presidency.

All this and more have made him a figure of enormous public interest.

Here’s an important thing we don’t know about Kanye West: the inner workings of his mind.

That this remains unknown should be remembered in light of a much-discussed campaign launch and a series of follow-up tweets.

The concentration and messages on social networks have caused alarm. Some people have mocked him. Their behavior has been called a “collapse”. So what to do with your last actions?

West’s situation is complicated by the fact that he has been candid about his mental health.

Last year, he stated that he had bipolar disorder, described being in a “hyper-paranoid” state, and called for understanding.

“It is a health problem that has a strong stigma and people can say something about it and discriminate in any way. This is like a brain sprain, like an ankle sprain. And if someone has an ankle sprain, you” we’re not going to push it any further, “he said.

The condition, although it varies in its symptoms and severity for people, can cause extreme mood swings, with patients suffering from both depression and high-energy “manic” phases.

Stick with what you know

The overwhelming message from mental health experts is that no one, not even professionals, should try to guess what a person is going through, however famous they are.

Speculation should be avoided, they say, not just for the good of a person in public view, but for a broader understanding of mental health.

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West donned a bulletproof vest when he held his first campaign rally in South Carolina

“You have to think about all the other people in the world who may be struggling with similar problems and think about what it means for those problems to be brought to public attention,” says Peter Kinderman, professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool.

Professor Kinderman says that unusual behavior can be analyzed, but it is important not to link it to mental health conditions.

“If it were the case that a particular candidate for president was rambling and inconsistent, say he was rambling and inconsistent. Present the evidence. If you think there is evidence that someone is making strange and unsubstantiated claims, then say you are making claims Strange and unsubstantiated. Whether or not someone decides they meet the criteria for a mental illness called bipolar is another matter. “

“Stick to the facts, stick to what people are doing, and not speculate on possible psychiatric causes of people’s behavior,” he says.

Be kind and constructive

For counseling psychologist Dr. Carolyne Keenan, a celebrity who raises mental health awareness and sparks an argument can have a positive impact.

But she says that the condition must be separated from the figure.

“We have no idea who is in control of their social media accounts. So we take it literally that what is being posted on the global network is their words, but in reality, we don’t know,” she says.

“We have no idea what this man, the real human man behind the celebrity’s face, is experiencing or going through.”

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West met with President Trump at a memorable event at the White House

“I think everyone, members of the public, celebrities, should remember that they don’t know the whole story. So even commenting is really difficult because you don’t know what you’re commenting on.”

“Raising awareness of these difficulties, whether they’re members of the public or celebrities, is really problematic for anyone experiencing mental health because it offers a very small picture of what might be going on.”

People should respond with “curiosity and kindness” if they feel they need to respond to West, he says.

Or just don’t say anything

The idea of ​​friendliness may be anathema to the often brutal world of celebrity news and social media, but despite the negative posts, there has been a great deal of concern and broader discussion on the issues involved.

Some commentators saw an element of hypocrisy amid the sympathy, pointing to the jokes faced by singers Azealia Banks and Britney Spears, who also faced public questions about their mental health.

Others expressed concern about label placement.

One of the most shared responses came from singer Halsey, who asked for understanding while admitting to her own struggles with bipolar disorder.