What the Haunting Netflix documentary reveals about social media

New Netflix documentary Social dilemma Is – ironic – picking up a lot of traction on social media. While we need to talk about the long-term effects of apps like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter on society – maybe those conversations are the best we have in analog. Movies highlight sneaky and manipulative ways These social media websites and apps keep us addicted – and divisive. What the haunted doc does Social dilemma Really revealed?

‘The Social Dlimma’, a documentary you can watch on Netflix, shares a grim version of the experience online

Social dilemma Netflix
Skyler Gisondo as Ben Inn Social dilemma | Exposure Labs / Netflix

Social dilemma There is a powerful call-to-action, directed primarily in Silicon Valley. In interviews with Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter and many other ex-executives, annoyed ex-employees reveal what is really going on behind the scenes in these huge tech companies.

For example, we don’t pay for these social media apps. When it’s no doubt convenient, that’s what it does Really Meaning?

“Advertisers are customers,” argues Eza Ruskin, inventor of the Infinite Scroll and co-founder of the Human Resource Center. Social dilemma. “We’re selling the thing.” The data we expedite using the app is sold to other companies. Companies also use this data to keep us on the app longer.

Former tech executives review social media users trying to get addicted

As these former tech executives enter Social dilemma, It basically (or in this case) aims to make you addicted.

Jeff Seibert, a former Twitter executive, says that these companies are not just about what image you see, but “how long do you see it?” This means that the AI ​​behind the app knows what you like, and what kind of images and videos keep you engaged on the platform, says Tristan Harris, a former design atheist at Google and co-founder of a company called Center for Human Technology. .

The algorithm “can predict what kind of emotions excite you” – the best way to scroll you, or type.

“We want you … to figure out how to manipulate you as quickly as possible,” Chamath Palihapitiya, former VP of Facebook’s Growth, said in an interview, “and then I’ll give you back that dopamine hit.” It uses the human brain against itself, essentially.

“… you are exploiting the weaknesses of human psychology,” added Sean Parker, former president of Facebook.

‘The Social Dlima’ argues that apps like Instagram, Ticket OK and Twitter are causing frustration and anxiety among teenagers.

As Harris points out Social dilemmaIt is social that humans evolved as a species, and to take care of what our “tribe” thinks – but we have not evolved to take “10,000” different opinions from around the world. That’s often what we get on apps.

Jonathan Hedt, a social psychologist in business at NYU’s Stern School of Business, notes the tangible and devastating effects of trolls giving all these opinions.

For example, American adolescents have both depression and anxiety. Self-harm among teenage girls also increased dramatically around 2011 – when social media became prevalent on cell phones.

“We see a similar pattern with suicide,” he continued.

General Z is the first payee to keep social media on his phones at an impressive middle-school age. What does this mean for the patient?

“They are much less comfortable taking risks,” Headte argued, indicating a low number of teenagers going on dates and / or getting their driver’s licenses.

The Netflix documentary contains powerful quotes about our political divisions

Social dilemma Also showing a huge issue on social media these days: fake news. Harris has haunted the haunted state that fake news travels 6 times faster on Twitter than real news.

This means that social media apps have no incentive to tell the truth – or show users anything outside of their political bubble.

Thus, they have created and strengthened two different sides who do not “trust each other” or want to hear the other side. It also keeps countries vulnerable to attacks of fake news.

Social dilemma
Tristan Harris in Social dilemma | Exposure Labs / Netflix

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“The Russians did not hack Facebook. … They used the tools that Facebook has created for legitimate advertisers and legitimate users and they applied them for a negative purpose, ”said Roger Mankanemi, Facebook’s initial investor, in a Netflix documentary.

Facebook is already the 2016 U.S. His influence on the presidential election has been in the headlines – but his power over small countries like Myanmar has also been disastrous.

“It’s like a remote-controlled combat,” Harris added. “A country can actually manipulate someone else without invading its physical borders.”

Tim Kendall, a former executive at both Facebook and Pinterest, cited the most worrying thing in the “short time horizon” as the Civil War.

So, if you want to sleep tonight, we’re … sorry.