What signs of the zodiac are ready for marriage during the Capricorn season?

“Yes!” Says the Capricorn

Are you ready for marriage? Maybe you are not now, but with the love of summer everywhere, you can be ready during the Capricorn season.

With December 21 fast approaching, much more awaits us than shorter days and longer nights.

Three planets, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter are all in Capricorn. July 4th and 5th is the last lunar eclipse along the ecliptic plane of Capricorn.

With Saturn returning to Capricorn for the rest of the year, certain signs of the zodiac are ready for commitment and love.

What signs of the zodiac are ready for marriage during the Capricorn season?

The zodiac signs that will be most ready include the zodiac signs Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Cancer.

RELATED: How Retrograde Saturn Entering Capricorn Affects Your Love Life and Goals for the Rest of 2020
