What Obama intends to say in his speech to Democratic National Convention

When former President Obama de Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, he not only plans to work alongside his former partner, Joe Biden, but he also intends to use a large national address to encourage Americans to vote.

Mr. Obama is set to address the convention on the same night as some of the party’s biggest female stars – Hillary Clinton, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Kamala Harris, the party’s vice presidential nominee.

A spokeswoman says the former president intends to “talk about seeing Joe’s success first in helping America emerge from a severe recession and jump out of our economy, expand health care for tens of millions of Americans and restore our world status” . “

In urging Americans to vote, Mr. Obama will “mark the cynical movements by the current administration and the Republican Party to discourage Americans from voting,” the spokeswoman said.

“He will make a point that democracy itself is on the line – along with the opportunity to make a better version of it,” the spokeswoman said of Mr Obama’s forthcoming remarks. “And finally, he will address his call to all Americans who believe in a freer, more just nation: that this election is too important to sit out, and if everyone comes up, votes early, and cares for their friends and family do the same, we can go back to building a better, more honest America. “

Mr. Obama made similar remarks last month during the funeral for Congressman John Lewis, used his eulogy to the legislature to call for our efforts to suppress the right to vote and to force Americans to honor Lewis’ legacy by casting ballots this year.

The venue for Mr Obama’s remarks was not immediately apparent and is expected to be announced on Wednesday.
