What is Hannah Ferrier doing now to deck Med below?

Hannah Ferrier has officially left The Wellington crew, and it’s absolutely not how they thought their fifth season of Under blanket Mediterranean Sea would end.

“Honestly, it’s so sad for me because it’s five years of my life that I’ve dedicated myself to this show. It’s changed and grown so much since Season 1 in Greece. I think just above all I’m just really sad that it ended that way, “Hannah said in an interview with The Daily Dish over the phone just hours before the episode aired with her dismissal. “Obviously, it’s just not a very nice way to end. But at the same time, I have a support from fans and things like that.”

Hannah was fired in the August 17 episode of Below Deck Med When Captain Sandy Yawn did not feel comfortable taking the main ship to sea after it was brought to her attention that she had unregistered Valium and a vape pen on board the ship. But looking back on their entire journey Below Deck Med, Hannah said her dismissal is just another case of yachts bringing “the highest of the high and the lowest of low.”

“I’m not a big believer in regret, because I feel like if you regret something, you probably will not learn from it. And I’m not really sure what the lesson is in this particular case,” Hannah said. The Daily Dish. “I honestly go very proud of myself. My family and my friends are proud of me and what I achieve.”

Hannah is now getting ready to add a new title to her resume: mom. She announced in June that she and her boyfriend, Josh, are expecting their first child in late October.

Just last week, Hannah shared even happier news that she and Josh would be named a little girl. “I was obviously excited to have a boy as a girl, but I think there’s something special when it’s your firstborn and it’s a little girl, except for your credit card accounts because you buy everything, “Share Hannah.” It’s really fun. We are very excited. “

Although she treated “terrible morning sickness” in her first trimester, Hannah said she felt “in her second trimester” fantastic. Unfortunately, the last months of her pregnancy have again brought a lot of inconvenience to Hannah. “Now I’m completely exhausted, so emotional, I’m not sleeping well because I’m really uncomfortable,” she said. “All the wheels are in motion, so there is no going back, so I’m just pushing through at the moment.”

However, Hannah could no longer be ready to bring baby home. “I’m so excited. I’m so ready,” Hannah growled, adding that she could not wait to give her little girl “kisses and raspberries.” “I’m looking forward to weird things like that. I absolutely can not wait to meet her. A lot of people are like, ‘Oh, I’m excited, but I’m a little scared and nervous, too. I do not have any of them. I just want them here. “

Hannah notes that her friend seems to be “a little more nervous” than when she first became a parent there. “He has not been around children as much as I did when I was growing up in my mother’s childcare centers,” she said.

However, Hannah said Josh is still “so excited” to become a father and has been hard at work prepping for her daughter’s arrival. “We went down to my father’s place in the country over the weekend, and I walked in and he lay in front of the fire asleep with Save us sleep, that’s a parenting book, on his chest, “Hannah recalls.[It’s] just like the most beautiful thing in the world he read a sleeping place but fell asleep while reading. “

Josh also plans to take two weeks off from his job in commercial real estate after his daughter is born. “I kind of said to Mom and Dad, ‘You can come and try, but no overnight stays until he’s back at work,'” Hannah said. “I think it will be just as fun to have a little bubble with the three of us and our dog for two weeks.”

Hannah brought home some relaxed homework in Australia after this season Below Deck Med before going on holiday to New Zealand with one of her best friends from her days hunting in the south of France. But she soon had to think about her next chapter. “It’s nice when you know 100 percent absolutely that you are not going to do another season, because it really drives you to work out what you want to do then,” Hannah explained. “So I think this is what happened to me this year.”

Hannah Ferrier Fired Under Deck Med

It was when Hannah made another move, from her home and into a new home with Josh in Sydney, that the light bulb went off for her next project.

“Basically, I moved home, and I found a bunch of my old diaries from when I was a teenager. Meysel and the girls sounded just as hard, because you can really see my personality in this girl of 12 or 13 years of diary, “said Hannah. “It occurred to me that it’s very interesting that our personalities, etc., were already so developed at that age. To be honest with you, I found that literally – now not so much with Josh, but a few years ago “I had the same problems with men as I did with the boys in high school when I was 13.”

That Hannah teamed up with her good friend and reporter Justin Hill of Red Carpet Justin Hill to launch a new podcast called Dear Diary, You are envious!, which launched its first episode on August 17th. “Basically every week we just go in and we read a diary entry and have a lot of fun with 13-year-old Hannah,” she said. “There are a lot of very serious podcasts; this is not that. It’s like escapism. It’s reality TV in a podcast. It’s just being light, making you laugh, and that’s it. That’s it. I’m really excited about it. “

Hannah said she also wants her podcast to be an interactive experience for fans, who are encouraged to share their feedback with the hosts and even submit their own agencies.

“One of my saddest things about leaving the show is losing contact with fans. It’s a strange relationship. It’s online, but some of these people I’ve been talking to for five years,” Hannah said. “That I wanted a way to keep in touch and keep up with her.”

Of course, the number one thing fans are asking Hannah about, whether it’s on Instagram or while she’s shopping, is how they can get into the hunting industry. That inspired yet another new business venture for Hannah, Ocean International Training Academy, an online course designed to help others begin their hunting careers.

“I thought there was this gap in the market because there are a lot of places to go to get your STCW [Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping] and your courses, etc. But that’s a lot of money. It’s almost $ 2,000 to get all your courses, etc. So it’s like, how do you know that hunting is for you in the first place? And that’s where Ocean International comes in, “Hannah said. It’s like the street smarts of hunting. That really breaks it down for you, what the sector actually looks like, what you can do at home before you even leave to go and participate in yachts that will help you on your CV, how to write a CV, where you have to go, what to do, which boat is right for you, which size is right for you, whether it is private or charter. It comes down to the nitty-gritty of yachting. “

Ocean International Training Academy will include three different tiers of courses when it launches on September 1, and those interested in learning more can follow the link in Hannah’s bio on Instagram. “There is a gold package that you can buy and that has direct email contact with me, and I help you from doing this online course to basically get the actual position on board a boat,” said Hannah . “That there’s an option for me to hold your hand all the way.”

Hannah has collaborated with a familiar face after Below Deck Med fans on the new company, Steier of season 4 and chef Anastasia Surmava, with whom she has really stayed close. “We complement each other very well in terms of the business side and what we are good at,” Hannah shared. “She’s just an absolute attention to detail perfectionist, and I’m a big dreamer, so we’ll really complement each other.”

The courses are all online for now, but Hannah and Anastasia have big plans for the company. “We hope in the future to deepen to a stewardess training school that we would like to have,” Hannah said. “There are many, many places where the business can go, but it’s just about inspiring and helping young people.”

Starting a podcast and starting a business while you’re ready to welcome your first child is no small feat. But this is where Hannah’s years of hunting came in handy, even on land. “There’s a lot of training in the lack of sleep I’ve had at the moment, so many years in yachts. But it’s just different now, I think, because I just can not think about myself; I have to think also to my daughter, “said Hannah. “That’s a lot of trying to balance the work out with making sure I take care of myself and get enough sleep and not stress them out.”

But inspiring the next generation of yachts is something that has always been important to Hannah. “It literally makes my heart swell, and it makes me so happy to encourage young people to get out there and push themselves and see the world, because I’ve always been of the mentality that we’re really just get one shot at life .It’s so easy to say, ‘I’ll take it off, I’ll do it tomorrow.’ “Tomorrow is here. You’re doing it now, or you probably will not do it,” she said. “The things that scare are what make life worth living. When you’re not scared, you do not push yourself hard enough. It is the experiences where you are afraid that are normally the best in you. life. That’s what I’m almost found. “

Hannah said she wants others to learn from and be inspired by her journey in hunting and through Below Deck Med – from “the highest of the heights to the lowest of the low” and everything beyond. “I really hope it helps young people just to see that what they see on TV is not impossible to reach themselves. And it’s very hard work; it’s not a glamorous, nice, always beautiful thing,” Hannah said. “But at the same time, the best things in life are working really hard. I definitely find it worth it.”

Want more Below Deck Med? New episodes are recorded every Monday at 9 / 8c or as the entire series via the Bravo app.

Watch Hannah open up more about this season in the Below Deck Med Season 5 After Show, under.

Digital Series

Hannah Ferrier opens up about her emotional struggle after the departure of Hindrigo “Kiko” Lorran