What if Dark Matter Doesn’t Exist? Unique prediction of “modified gravity” challenges dark matter hypotheses

Messier 63 Sunflower Galaxy

The best example is represented by the Sunflower Galaxy (Messier / 63 / NGC 55505555), which has the strongest outer field in the spark galaxy, whose well-dimensional rotation curve shows mildly declining behavior over large radial distances and is only modeled with the outer field. Can be done. Effect. Credit: ESA / Hubble and NASA

A team of international collaborators explored the ‘impact of the external sector’, a unique forecast for Mond, a rival dark matter concept.

An international group of scientists, including Case Western Reserve University Astronomy Chair Stacey McGuire, has published research showing that rival view of the popular dark matter hypothesis better predicts galaxy phenomena that contradict the best laws of gravity.

This is significant, say astrophysicists, as it establishes a further hypothesis – called Nudian Dynamics (Mond), or “modified gravity” – as a practical explanation for the cosmic confusion: the long-term gravitational pull of the galaxies. Appears to take into account accepted rules. Sir Isaac Newton was discovered in the late 1600s.

Mystery: For decades, we’ve been measuring gravitational pull in space beyond what we think – not enough visible or well-known enough to take into account.

Therefore, proponents of dark matter theorize that most known universes are made of material that interacts with light, making it invisible and undetectable – but this material is part of the gravitational pull between galaxies. It has been a principle for almost 50 years.

A counter-explanation, presented by physicist Mordehai Milgrom of the Weizmann Institute (Israel) in the early 1980s, the Mond Theory states that this gravitational pull exists because of a slight change in the laws of gravity.

Instead of attributing the extra gravitational pull to an invisible, visible dark object, Mond suggests that gravity is stronger at a velocity less than would be predicted by pure Newtonian understanding.

In addition, Monde made a bold prediction: the internal motion of an object in the universe should not only be based on the mass of the object object, but also by pulling gravity from all the other people in the universe – called the “outer field effect”. (EFE).

If the findings are confirmed, Milgrom said, “there will be a smoking gun that proves that the galaxy is governed by improved dynamics rather than following Newton and the laws of general relativity.”

150 galaxies tested for EFE

McAugh and his colleagues, led by Qi-hyun Chai of Sezong University in South Korea, say they discovered the EFE in more than 150 galaxies they studied.

Their findings were recently published Astrophysical Journal.

“The external field effect is the unique signature of gold that is not found in Newton-Einstein gravity,” McAugh said. “There is no resemblance in traditional theory with this dark matter. Investigating this effect is a real head start. “

The team of six astronomers and astronomers includes lead author Cha and other contributors from the United Kingdom, Italy and the United States.

“I’m working under the notion of the existence of dark matter, so this result has really surprised me,” Chae said. “Initially, I was reluctant to interpret our own conclusions in favor of Som. But now I can’t deny the fact that since the results are bha they clearly support Mond instead of the Dark Matter notion. “

Analysis of revolving galaxies

The group analyzed the disk galaxy’s 153 rotation curves as part of their study. The galaxies were selected from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) database, created by another collaborator, Federico Lally, during his post-doctoral dissertation by Case Western Reserve, co-author James Schumbert of Reagan University.

In addition to Tea, McG, G, Lele and Shombert, the authors of the research were Pengfe Li of Case Western Reserve and Harry Desmond Oxford University.

Scientists said they have observed by lowering the MFE that galaxies in strong outer regions are often slower than galaxies in weak outer regions (or showing rotating curves displayed) – as predicted by a single mond.

Lely said they were skeptical by the first results “because the effect of the outer field on the rotation curve is expected to be very small. We spent months investigating various systematics. In the end, it became clear that we had a real, solid investigation.”

McGaugh said skepticism is part of the scientific process and understands the reluctance of many scientists to consider Mond as a possibility.

“I come from the same place in the dark matter community,” he said. “It hurts to think that we can do so much wrong. But Milgram predicted with Mond 30 years ago. No other theory has observed the observed behavior. “

References: Q-Hyun Tea, Federico Lely, Harry Desmond, Stacey S. McAugh, Pengfi Ltd. and James M. Schwambert, 20 November 2020, “Testing the Strong Equivalent Theory: Investigating the Effect of External Field in Rotationally Supported Galaxies”. Astrophysical Journal.
DOI: 10.3847 / 1538-4357 / ABB 96

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