WB Games Montreal is releasing another teaser for their potential Batman game

By Stephany Nunneley, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 16:40 GMT

WB Games Montreal has released another teaser for their potential Batman game.

This is the second teaser in so many days for what is believed to be a new one Batman game from the studio.

Yesterday’s teaser focused on the word Redacted, which took people to the website r3dakt3d.com

Today, a tweet appeared asking people to enter code 761 on the website, and if you do, well, it just tells you to come back, August 19th, and a poison appears that says “One Step Closer . “

Tune you back tomorrow.

Warner began releasing the game back in September 2019, and again in January this year.

We’ll be sure to see the new game for sure from WB Games Montreal with a just reveal during DC FanDome on August 22nd.

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