Washington Post: President Donald Trump’s sister calls him ‘cruel’ in audio secret recorded by her niece Mary Trump

The Post received the previously unpublished transcripts and audio from Mary Trump, author of a recent bombshell book about the president and one of his most outspoken critics. Mary Trump, who has said that Donald Trump is not fit to be president and has expressed support for his rival Joe Biden, revealed to the Post that in 2018 and 2019 they are secretly having 15 hours of face-to-face talks with Barry had carpets.

Among some of the more critical remarks made by Barry was comments about how her younger 74-year-old brother worked as president. “His goddamn tweet and lie, oh my God,” she said, according to the Post. “I talk too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lie. Holy shit.”

Barry, a retired federal appellate judge, found the Post has never spoken publicly about disagreements with President Donald Trump, but the audio seems to tell a different story of disagreement and a rift that began when she brother in the 1980s asked for a favor, which she claims Trump has often used to take credit for her success.

Barry also said at one point to her niece, “It’s the phonony of it all. It’s the phonony and this cruelty. Donald is cruel,” according to the audio scripts and recordings.

Perhaps the most revealing part of the newly released audio is a conversation that Barry apparently had with her niece on November 1, 2018, that seems to be the impetus for the claim that Trump paid someone to take his SATs, that was one of the most public accusations in Mary Trump’s book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Made the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” according to the Post.

According to the Post, the conversation went like this, Barry told Mary: “He went to Fordham one year [actually two years] and then he came to the University of Pennsylvania because he had someone who took the exam. “” No way! “replied Mary.” Has anyone taken his high school diploma? “

Barry then replied, “SATs or whatever … that’s what I believe,” before he said, “I remember the name myself.” That person was Joe Shapiro, “said Barry.

The Post went on to note that Mary Trump said it was not Joe Shapiro who went to Penn with Donald, and that person did not show up.

Chris Bastardi, a spokeswoman for Mary Trump, told the Post that she began chatting with her aunt in 2018, after claiming that her siblings had lied about the value of the family two decades earlier during a legal battle over her inheritance, in which she claims she received much less than she expected.

Bastardi said in a statement to CNN on Saturday night that “Mary realized that members of her family had lied in the past. Anticipating a lawsuit, she found it prudent to ban conversations to protect herself. “including the president’s sister, Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, states that Donald Trump paid someone to take a SAT exam for him.”

Bastardi referred questions about Joe Shapiro, who presumably took the presidential exam, to Maryanne Trump Barry and President Donald Trump.

On Saturday night, the White House issued a statement from President Donald Trump, “Every day it’s something different, who cares. I miss my brother, and I will continue to work hard for the American people. Not everyone agrees, but the results are obvious. Our country will soon be stronger than ever before, “the president said, referring to his brother Robert Trump, who died earlier this month.

CNN has reached out to Maryanne Trump Barry for comment.

The audio release came at the height of the Democratic National Convention, in which Democrats and several prominent Republicans exercised their rights to the framing of elections in 2020 as one on character and morality, rather than on ideological policy. They presented Trump as an amoral egomaniac unfit to serve as president, while Biden touted as the image of decency and empathy.

Barry’s candid remarks in the recordings fill in a similar picture, providing a description of the president that closely resembles that outlined by the president’s political opponents at the DNC – those of a ” cruel “liar who” has no principles “and cares only about himself.

Top takeaways from the Democratic National Convention

In addition to the political testimony, Biden’s own family featured heavily in the DNC messages – with his sister, children and grandchildren all completing the portrait of a family-oriented, empathetic man they hope to replace Trump.

Trump will have a chance to resist that criticism and paint himself as an equal loved one by his family, with his four adult children all set to speak at the Republican National Convention this coming week. But that task is now complicated by the sincere remarks of an older sister who has known Trump his entire life.

Barry’s view of her brother also runs closely with others who knew Trump well. A litany of former aid workers has also described Trump in similar terms – including former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, former Homeland Security Department chief of staff Miles Taylor and others.
