VP Pence: The SpaceX Crew-1 launch proves that NASA is back, President Trump has secured America’s leadership in space.

The United States celebrated another historic landmark on Sunday with the successful launch of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 at the Kennedy Space Center: the first operational mission of NASA’s commercial crew program on the International Space Station and the launch by American astronauts for the second time in nearly ten years. In space from American soil.

Dedication of Resilience The spacecraft is the culmination of New Year’s leadership in space. It is a tribute to the courage of our astronauts, the ingenuity of the men and women of NASA and SpaceX, and to the relentless vision of President Donald Trump.

After nearly ten years of neglect that NASA relied on other countries to send our astronauts into space, NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 launch continues a new era of American astronauts returning to space on American rockets.

Crew-1 represents three American astronauts in the four-man crew of the mission: Shannon Waker, Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins, as well as a Japanese astronaut, Sochi Noguchi, a strategic ally of the US space program. These courageous astronauts flew with the hope and prayers of the people of the two great nations.

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As President Trump said in his inaugural address, “We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the secrets of space.” And that’s exactly what we did.

Dedication of Resilience The spacecraft is the culmination of New Year’s leadership in space.

Our administration recognizes what the American people have known for more than half a century – that our security, our prosperity, and our way of life depend on American leadership – including American leadership in space.

But past administrations lacked clarity of purpose and conviction that gave the United States a larger form of space exploration.

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When we took office, the United States had not sent an American astronaut out of low-Earth orbit in 45 years. Our mission to the moon was supposed to be a victory to remember, but is not repeated. Around the board, our space program suffered from indifference and neglect.

President Trump took action from the beginning. He revived the National Space Council after it had been inactive for 25 years. We brought together the best minds in government and outside to revitalize the American space enterprise. At the direction of the President, we have ended decades of market declines and trends in NASA missions.

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In our first year in office, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive-1, which made the United States a national policy of returning to the moon, continuing on Mars, and ensuring that the next man and woman would set foot. There will be American astronauts on the moon.

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The SPD-1 marked the watershed moment in the American space enterprise. President Trump has finally given NASA the clear direction and clear mission it needs. As he said, we will “return to the moon for the first time since 1972 to American astronauts for long-term research and use,” not only to “plant our flag and leave our footsteps”, but we will go there “to lay the foundation for the final mission to Mars.” “

The President’s ambitious vision has led our nation further and further into space than ever before. And unlike the last few administrations, we have a budget that matches that. With strong bipartisan support from congressional leaders, President Trump signed into law NASA’s largest budget days after the Apollo program.

Under President Trump’s presidency we are removing the old law for the creation of technologies to dismiss America’s leading space companies and fill new vacancies and create American jobs for the future. We have re-established confidence in space opportunities and have helped incredible economic growth. Studies show that the space industry will actually generate more than a trillion dollars annually in the next two decades.

Finally, we are moving into space for the safety of the American people. As countries around the world increased their investment in space, this President took the decisive step to ensure that as much as America dominates space, we are in land, air and sea. For the first time in more than 70 years, we established a new branch of our armed forces: the United States Space Force.

America has always been a country of turbulent leaders, always striving to explore the inadvisable territories, reach new horizons and expand the boundaries of human knowledge towards the unknown.

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Together, we have called for the courage to dream big, to work hard, and we have moved forward with the same confidence as the Trailblazers that came before. With the start of Sunday night Resilience And its courageous crew, NASA, is back and President Trump has secured American leadership for human space exploration for decades to come.

Godspeed Resilience!

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