Vote: Majority wants Pelosi out as House Speaker

Presidential elections are one of the first tasks for the House when reconstituted in January, but with a shrinking Democratic majority – the Republicans’ net advantage in November is currently at 10 seats and could rise to a dozen, depending on the nature. Still out of two-unfamiliar races – Pelosi’s position is threatened.

When Democrats took control of the House two years ago, 15 Democrats deviated from Pelosi, choosing or voting for another person during the speaker’s vote. Of those, 10 members of the Democratic Caucus have returned, and Pelosi could lose only a handful of votes based on the number of members showing up for the speakership this time around.

Still, no other Democratic member has stepped in to challenge Pelosi, and his team is confident he will get a majority of votes.

In the poll, a majority of Republicans oppose Pelosi as speaker, 83 percent. Independents also lash out at him: only 22 percent say he should be speaker, while 59 percent say he shouldn’t be.

The numbers track closely with its overall image rating. Fewer than four-in-10 voters, 37 percent, favored Pelosi, while 8 percent saw her as ineffective. Among independent voters, 27 percent favored Pelosi, and 58 percent voted against him.

Pelosi has long been a Republican butt noir. The GOP has featured him in campaign advertisements for more than a decade, especially in the swing districts, keeping Democratic candidates in the party in fairly popular personalities.

But in 2020, Salon Bernie Sanders (I-VT.) And Repress. Pelosi often joined other liberal boogiemen and boogie women in Republican ads, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (DNY) and Ilhan Omar. (D-min.).

While Pelosi is unpopular, he does the best congressional leader: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell has a favorable rating of just 26 percent, and a two-time Kentucky Republican has a negative rating of 52 percent.

But McConnell, who has been pressured by President Donald Trump to accept the reality of Biden’s victory, has a more favorable rating among Democrats (65 percent) than Republicans (48 percent) compared to Pelosi.

Kyle Drop, co-founder and president of Morning Consult, says, “52 percent – more than half of registered voters have a negative vote from both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.” The respective chambers next year when the leadership elections are formally held, but will have to contend with a declining majority in the new Congress – at best – after the 2020 elections. “

Politoko / Morning Consultant polling was held on December 18, 18-20, in which 1,995 registered voters were surveyed. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Morning Consult is a global data intelligence company that provides insights into what people think in real time by surveying thousands of people around the world every single day..

Further details about voting and its method can be found in these two documents: Toplines | Crosstebs