Monday, November 23, 2020 00:30 AM (GMT + 7)
President Trump recently asked top military advisers and White House officials whether to launch a military strike against the country that rivals the United States, the Asian Times reported.
Trump wants to launch a military strike against Iran, a country that rivals the United States, according to the Asian Times (photo: Asian Times)
The Asian Times quoted some sources as saying that Trump had consulted with senior advisers and officials about a plan for a military strike against Iran. The attack could provoke a new instability during Trump’s last term in the White House.
On November 12, in the Oval Office, the president convened the highest officials of the Trump administration.
Present were Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and US Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley.
At the meeting, Trump consulted with his closest officials on whether to launch a military strike against Iran. Trump sought consensus, but received no support.
Officials present advised the president to remain calm and not a “military adventure” during this sensitive time, according to the Asian Times.
Trump has been warned by his subordinate officials that any attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities could spread the conflict into the Middle East.
Kori Schake, director of foreign and defense policy at the American Enterprise Institute, said the United States could use missiles launched from submarines or fighter jets to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.
However, Mr. Schake claimed that any attack by the United States at this time would invite retaliation from Iran. Middle Eastern countries can attack US military bases in Iraq and some other countries in the region.
The United States can attack Iran’s nuclear facilities with advanced missile systems (photo: AP)
Some experts doubt that Trump wants to protect his Iranian diplomatic legacy after leaving the White House. Trump has pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, leaving the relationship between the two countries still “taut as ropes,” especially after the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani.
Biden is said to be able to restore the US-Iran nuclear deal that Trump once called a “disaster.”
Some experts also said that by launching an attack on Iran, Trump wanted to become president in times of war.
Trump may pause or delay the transfer of power to the new Biden administration in the context of the United States at war with another country.
The Trump administration has emphasized that, with “successful” US sanctions, Iran’s development of nuclear weapons has suffered serious damage.
However, Iran has a nuclear arsenal weighing more than 2.4 tons, enough to produce two nuclear weapons.
Source: http://danviet.vn/vi-sao-ong-trump-muon-khai-hoa-vao-quoc-gia-kinh-dich-50202023110282604.htm
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