After two successful seasons that overwhelmed the television show, the show “Who is he” in season 3 was officially broadcast with the participation of the female lead Vu Thanh Quynh and 5 cool guys who made her stay still. To mark an impressive advance in this comeback, ekip The show had trouble finding new and great faces to fit the female lead, making all 5 kids tall, handsome, and successful.
I must admit that this is one TV show keep the heat intact through the seasons, even receiving the affection and expectations of fans However, more recently, watching the first episode of the broadcast, it is ironic that this time the “Who is” program was captured by netizens extremely “spelling”.
The “Who is He” program is caught by “extremely spelling” errors on the Internet.
Specifically, the first season 3 broadcast of “Who’s He” posted on YouTube, MC Tran Thanh shared at the end of the show: “Really very surprised with this Thu Ngoc comeback, today surprised everyone and there is something that is very reminiscent, people feel restless, hovering, long time without seeing Ngoc standing on stage with a microphone like that!”
However, In the vietsub subtitle displayed on the screen, netizens carefully examined the program by typing the wrong word “SUPRISE: surprise”. While this word is written in standard English, it should be: “SURPRISE “, Show surprise, surprise at a certain object, incident, phenomenon.
Actually, “SURPRISE” is the correct word
As soon as this bug was discovered, the online community spoke about it, some people sympathized, saying this was just a sloppy typing mistake, but others thought the program should be more careful, Partial Control vietsub, engsub before the episodes aired.
However, after all, “Who He Is” still gives unpredictable surprises to viewers. It’s worth mentioning here that the way the editorial team created the situation for Alan’s exposition made the entire studio, as well as the audience watching at home, extremely “heart attack.” Thu Ngoc’s sudden appearance from the White Cloud group makes everyone think Alan is a “flower with a teacher”, but it turns out that Thu Ngoc is just his cousin. In the end, Thanh Quynh still chose to hit the blue boy, creating an unexpected ending, extremely supported by people.