
Candidates participating in the 2020 High School Graduation Examination (Phase 1) in Hanoi – Photo: MAI THUONG
This year, the exam takes place in a special moment: the translation of COVID-19 and the results are also record: 98.34%, almost 4% more than last year.
It goes without saying how expensive this graduation exam is when there are nearly a million candidates each year, followed by months of review and preparation of education, teachers, students, and families. Candidates This cost of time, money and energy causes opponents of this test to speak out every year.
Meanwhile, supporters of this exam, primarily those who work in the education industry, often view the exam from an educational perspective when they say: If you study, you must take the exam. Without the exam, students will not study. As for whether the exam is necessary or not … next table.
However, whether the organization of the exam is decided by the Ministry of Education and Training or not, the basis for these decisions is not an economic or educational matter, but the Education Law and the system of rules and regulations. Current educational administrative itinerary. These things sometimes don’t have much to do with the economy or the quality of education, but they can just be … right.
So despite the “call back,” the exam is still done every year.
And to partially offset the cost of the organization, this exam has another function: to use the results of the high school graduation exam for college admission. But even using the results of the graduation exam for admission to this university does not convince me.
The nature of these two exams is different, the university exam must be organized by the schools. Only then can schools choose the right students for their schools.
This year, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, opponents of the test are full of hopes that the test will be canceled. This cancellation is not only based on economic analysis as before, but also on the fact that the entire country is prioritizing the fight against epidemics.
I was no exception. The reason is that I find the exam too expensive to solve the basic problems of education. Personally, I still think that if you pass the 98-99% graduation exam, you shouldn’t take the exam. You only need to issue a certificate of completion of the general education program. Regarding the university entrance exam, schools must organize themselves.
In fact, since the total college enrollment quota is already equal to the total number of seniors, schools will have to organize enrollment themselves, even before the graduation exam takes place. And in keeping with that trend, it can be predicted that the enrollment rush of these schools will be increasingly fierce and increasingly accelerated, it may take place as soon as students enter grade 10 or 11, but no. wait for grade 12.
So, without the need for graduation test results, schools will have to run themselves. And thanks to competition between them and to self-recruitment, the new universities become more dynamic and creative.
In other words, the “cover” for the college entrance exam function is forced and unnecessary for me. With college admissions, if I let the schools do it themselves, I think it would be much better and less negative.
We often talk about poor quality education. There are many reasons to argue this. But in the lens of looking at the graduation exam does not really improve the study, it is possible that maintaining a formal exam, the same result every year, does not rule out the occurrence of dishonesty and poor performance. efficiency, is one of the reasons for rudeness quality.
I believe that if the organization and the results remain the same for decades, it is best to cancel the high school graduation exam. It will be difficult and a breakthrough, but educational innovation needs the same breakthrough as well.